FYI -- \ NY Times item on "Hybrid Risk" (give me a break)
There is already a thread about this started yesterday. I think the risk from inhaled paper dust while reading the NYT is much greater.
I think everyone that believes it's a problem should wear metal salad bowls on their heads and paint big yellow hazard signs on their vehicles. That way when everyone else see's one of these morons coming they can run the other direction ! Jeez......
EMF's are a legitimate concern. But to suggest that means that I should be wearing a tin-foil hat I assume.
Well this article is probably just a bunch of bunk. Scare mongering because the facts aren't know, but a consensus shows that a condition exists that could cause a problem. Plus, its interesting how people on this site are quick to criticize "scientific" evidence that is negative about something they believe.
That's not quite the case. The problem is that there is no consensus. Not on whether there is a condition, and if so, exactly what the symptoms are or the consequences, where the cutoff point is in measurement that indicates the problem is present, and whether it is any worse is one vehicle than another, and if so, in what way. Firstly, there is really a dearth of scientific evidence to critique. There are scientific concerns, which most of us would broadly agree with I suspect, but in the absence of facts, or established and meaningful data, the absence of context means that almost any comment will be negative. That's not so much the Prius community acting in self-defense as taking the scientific approach. One finds the evidence and draws conclusions from it, not the other way around.
Fewer and fewer people do as evidenced by the almost freefall of the NY Times circulation. Meanwhile, circulation at the Wall Street Journal climbs. The NYT is no longer a "news" paper; it's a propaganda rag in my opinion.
Thing is... Rupert Murdoch now owns the Wall Street Journal. Shouldn't be too long until it degrades into a propaganda rag.
There must be something valid about the article? here is how i got there, I purchased 1lb of hamburger meat put it on the floor and drove home about 10 miles ,when i got home and took it out it was a fully cooked meat loaf !
well then, if we are worrying about rays, what about the 30+ cancer causing agents in typical exhaust?? what will kill us first? the 3rd leading killer in the US or something that has not been proven to have killed anyone so far? is it medical knowledge is so far behind the 8 ball that all this time, cellphone, microwaves and old-fashioned tube TV's have been causing cancer and exhaust is actually good for us?? well if you think what im saying is preposterous, i think i have an article you should read... it was in the NY times...
Do the people worried about the EMF from their Prius also ensure there are no power cables in the wall of their home behind the bed head? They gladly lay with their head (brain) next to a wall for 8 hours every day with a power point either side of the bed, maybe even a lamp and an electric blanket a few thousandths of an inch from their body.
I drive about 400 miles a week in my Prius. Since I purchased it in December, 07, I've noticed that I am much more mellowed out on the highway and in a much better mood when I get home after a long day's work. I can't say that I've been tested for leukemia lately but I do know that my blood pressure that had been hitting the Stage 1 range has dropped 15-20 points since December to where I'm now in the normal range. I've not had any other lifestyle changes since then so I'm attributing this to the car. This whole article sounds like it's been sponsored by the big car industry!