Is it his birthday? I have 2 friends whose birthday is today. Happy birthday to everyone, including Doc Willie, who will be interested to know that for some strange reason I was playing Piccard's penny whistle song this morning... if you're nerd enough, you know the one I'm talking about... it must have been in honor of DW's birthday!
Was Doc Willie really born? Good on ya Doc, that's another year behind you. Have you reached the status of grumpy old man yet? Happy birthday!!
Hint: Will you still need me, will you still feed me, When I'm sixty-four? has been rolling around my head. Many thanks for the greetings. Peace and long life. Doc Willie
Happy Birthday Doc!! This calls for a smiley celebration! We'll need music : :drum::music: :horn: entertainment: :juggle: :fencing: food and drink: opcorn:izza: :tea: op2: and - of course - revellers: :bounce::dance::whoo: arty: :clap2: :rockon: :high5: Cheers!
Hmmm. The nurse practitioner that I work with brought TWO monster chocolate cakes to work. The folks at work ate one, so I got the bring the gourmet flourless chocolate cake home. Anyhow, I look forward to seeing some of yo this weekend, and more at HybridFest. My thank-you note is here.