Well, THANKS to all of you, we're Prius Touring 2008 owners who took our car home just over 31 hours ago. We have put 100 miles on it since then, and here's our love it and clueless lists: Love it: 1) Turned off the backup beep - my first act of customization once in the driveway. Turned off the seat belt beep too - THANKS BILL. Yes, I wear belts, but the flashing light is all the reminder a passenger (or I) might need. Moving the car for gardening projects in my large driveway doesn't merit a belt and it was awful. 2) Razr phone sync worked first try without looking at the manual etc... just easy and obvious - love it! I've no idea how to use much of it yet, but I got a call while driving and it was completely obvious how to answer via steering etc... 3) Averaging only around 42 mpg, which confused us at first, but we were doing a lot of stop and go, not slow steady with the area we drove in... but we still feel like it is a success because it is changing the way we drive! Less quick/slow, more smooth... I may even stop feeling sick to my stomach when my husband drives. Actually, I am/was the speed demon in the household so any car that can reform me is a good car. 4) LOVE the handling of the touring... very responsive around corners 5) The interior is perfect! It is so spacious and sleek... the design is really beautiful to our eyes. 6) The exterior (ours is Black) is just beautiful. I drove to meet a girlfriend this AM and her stunned face when I pulled up was great. She said "I can't believe my eyes... this car is the only sexy sleek stunning Prius on the planet!" I explained it is the black color... it does look swell in the Prius, but actually to my eyes, they all look great. clueless: 1) getting used to knowing where your front right bumper is isn't easy! I feel like I'm 95 and shouldn't be driving anymore when I'm parking in a tight space! I just have to get to know the "footprint" of the car... first time I've driven one with such poor rear visibility AND you can't see the front end of the car when you are inside. 2) what is that high pitch sound after shutting the car off? It doesn't always do it, but more often than not... I've no idea. 3) did anyone else get a slight lurching on the open highway? It is not consistent... not sure yet what that is about. 4) what on earth should I use to minimize the dust and finger prints on the dash area - it is HUGE... and that touch screen looks like a kindergarden mirror when the sun hits it (a zillion little fingerprints...) 5) when driving at night, the passenger reading light on the ceiling of the cabin blinds the driver when turned on. It was so distracting that I thought my husband had turned on my side by mistake. ??? Surely there is a more directive bulb or framework to direct the light? In general, we are grinning like mad and have no doubt we bought the right car! It is an intelligent, stylish, and inspiring car. We feel very lucky to have made this leap into the future. Because of all of you who have been so generous with your wisdom and support, we rapidly could position ourselves to do battle with the dealers, wade through all the car options, negotiate the price like seasoned professionals... order aftermarket w/confidence... Thank you one and all. It's a pleasure to talk with you and one day I hope to know enough about this car to help someone else make the leap. Warmly, Madeleine (and Stewart)
I'm glad (and not surprised) that you're loving your Touring. I love mine, too. In answer to a couple of your questions: 1. The car will always make strange noises when you turn it off. It's completely normal. 2. A Swiffer works great on the dash. I keep one of the refills in the little compartment under the radio all the time and use it when stuck in traffic. 3. I use an eyeglass cleaning cloth on the MFD. It works great too. Happy Driving!
Welcome to Priusdom Madeleine. I have a folding duster (swiffer?) which when opened out allows me to reach the front corner of the passenger side of the dash from the drivers seat when I stop at a light which has just gone red. 10 to 15 seconds and the dust is gone. I keep it in the drivers door pocket. I have peppermint scented tissues in the draw under the front cupholder which work in removing the fingerprints from the screen but I only clean it after powering down.
Hi: I'm Like You. I Have Only 75 Miles On My 2008 Touring And Love It. I've Done A Lot Of Reading On Pruischat And Got A Good Idea Of What This Car Is "all About" Including Noises And Battery "control". The Gas Gauge Is Still Showing "full" So I Hope It Is Working Properly Not That I'm Complaining. I Bought It Not For The Gas Mileage But I Really Like The Way It Rode, Handled And The Space. Also I'm Expecting A Good Resale Value In Years To Come.