Hi Everyone! Don't we LOVE our prius! I have a couple questions. Does anyone know how to disable the screen that comes on EVERY time you start the car to tell you that looking at that screen while driving may cause an accident? Also- Can the beeper you hear inside the car while backing up be disabled? Appreciate any help with these two items! Otherwise the Prius is perfect!
The reverse beeper can be disabled (I've already done mine). The instructions how to do it are elsewhere on PriusChat; do a search and you should find them. I don't get the screen you've mentioned as I don't have navigation on my Prius, so I can't answer your other question. I believe, however, that it can be disabled only through a third-party solution. Again, a search of the site should yield the answer.
You're talking about the "I Agree" screen? It's been removed for disc 7.1.... however that'll cost you $250 (give or take). So it's up to you whether a new disc and that screen is worth $250 (plus map updates of course)