Never been a big fan of the bumper sticker, but having this car makes me feel like I should slap on a "Free Tibet" or at least a "Have You Hugged Your Planet Today". So I was thinking of designing my own clever little Prius-only sticker (further setting me apart with the rest of the elite Priusites), but they come in bulk, not singles, so I thought I would share my creative vision with any owner or someday-owner who would like. I'm trying to stay positive, so I ruled out "Your SUV Stinks" in order to elicit the most favorable response possible from the general public. Okay, so help me out; which of these little ditties would you find most enticing (assuming it wouldn't cost you anything): How's YOUR Fuel Economy Today? No Plug, No Emissions....No Worries! No, I Don't Have To Plug It In ( can tell which question I'm getting kind of tired of already) Earth-friendly, Not Exxon-friendly Prius - Start Loving Your Commute Help me and come up with your own, too. Alyson '04 White AB on the way!
I am not a bumper sticker kinda guy. But I might go the license holder route... Got Prius-Envy? I Brake For Electricity. If you can read this, I'm getting 99.9 MPG! That's it so far. .x
Okay, "I Brake for Electricity" has my vote I might even be willing to mar my bumper with that sticker. "Have you hugged your Prius today?"
I have an "Unplugged" sticker I made available recently at the following link: I'm making another with the words "Less Filling" or maybe "Drives Great, Less Filling".
OK, I'll play. How about: "Road Calm" (reference to another thread) "Breathe Easier" "Still Fueling Your Fossil?" "Hybrid On Board" "Car or Camel?" "Driver needs fuel. Car's OK." "Just Say Go" "Silence is Golden" "It's a Smart Start" "Clean Green Machine" "Express only. No stops." "Don't be fuelish"
What about [Broken External Image]: :mrgreen:
You don't need to commit to bulk bumper stickers, or any permenant sticker. If you have a printer, you can create anything you want and put it on that clingy plastic stuff (it might remind some of us of ColorForms) and stick it on your back window (although the angle of the window might be hard to read, maybe the side window). You can change it to suit your mood that day. You can get it at office supply stores. My choice would be: "Good Carma"
I saw a video clip interviewing a Prius owner (I can't remember his name) and he had a bumper sticker that said: EAT MY VOLTAGE! That get's my vote....
That is actually going to be fairly close to the sticker that we are going to start selling soon as a site fundraiser - same basic design, but different saying underneath. You'll see it soon.
Oh, this is fun! I like "Drives great, less filling" and "Prius-start loving your commute". I love the idea of printing your own on cling-on film! I may have to look into that. Thanks for feeding my Prius neuroticism for the day! Luta
Instead of Flower power- yes 70's, "Hybrid Power!" Staples and Office Depot, etc. sell Avery Window Sticker Decals you just print on your color printer- follow the directions. They do fade over time but they are fairly inexpensive.
Thanks for the tip folks - I'll do-it-myself instead. Didn't really think much about the technological marvel that is the standard printer - silly me. Thanks for all the cool new slogans too; I think I'll do about ten and just switch them out depending on how I feel that day! (Fiance picked up his new Altima yesterday, spent an hour and a half at the dealership listening to salesmen and finance managers huff and puff at my Prius. I love that other automakers feel threatened by my little green machine.)
That one's my favorite. - Except that it's not strictly true. All my driving is short trips, usually 10 minutes, occasionally as much as 20, and for the first 5 minutes the engine is running. The big problem is that so few people know what the Prius is that most of these bumper stickers won't mean anything to them. I drove my '89 Civic for several years before putting a bumper sticker on it. ("Cat Lovers Against the Bomb") I don't expect to put any bumper sticker on my Prius as long as it seems new. Then I'll probably go with something that expresses my political or philosophical outlook rather than something that makes a statement about my car. The car itself is, after all, it's own statement. And nobody has ever asked me if I have to plug it in because nobody knows it has an electric motor in it.
I'm also not a bumper sticker person, but "I Brake for Electricity" is something that I would be willing to re-consider. If we're counting votes, then add mine to this one! :!:
How 'bout: Total Mileage......50+ mpg Total Electricity...500 volts Total Enjoyment....PRICELESS! There are some things Detroit can't do For everyone else there's Prius!