Just got my new Prius ... less than 500 miles, but, working on my second full tank of gas. My mileage seems to hover around 39.6 ... trying to make sure I don't use the gas, but, am a bit concerned that I am not in the 40 + range. Driving in San Diego so I do go up and down some hills. Does this improve with some additional miles on the engine?
I am a month into my 08 touring .. i too started off with the 39 range and have slowly climbed into the 42-43 range.. Make sure you put in some air in those tires.. I use 44/42 (Front/Rear). Doing that will help your MPG. Other wise just enjoy your ride!
It takes time to "break in" the new car before it will reach the mileage figures you want. Usually it gets better after 3-5 kmiles. You also have to "break in" the new driver. It takes time to learn how to drive for best mileage. Whatever happens, "DON'T PANIC!" Better mileage is just around the corner.
I got my Prius at the end of March, and am currently at about 700 miles. My first tank was 44 MPG, and I'm almost done with my second tank that is up to 51 MPG. I'm not doing anything really special. Trying to slow down sooner than I used to in my other vehicle in order to avoid complete stops. I drive in a lot of city traffic (DC metro here), and it gets super high when I'm in slow highway driving. I try to stay enough behind the car in front of me where I can avoid stopping. Today I spend about half my trip going under 15 MPH, but at least I was going on all electric! Have you check the tire pressure?
It's more important not to use the battery too much. That's only there when needed for more acceleration or occasional small sections of light driving. You should accelerate moderately for best MPG, and slow down in advance of using brakes. That and proper air in the tires, as already stated. Steep hills are tricky to get good mileage in (rolling hills are good for the pulse-and-glide technique), also short trips (<10 minutes) and cold weather are mileage killers.
Pay close attention to your MFD (without getting into a wreck) watch the yellow bars and train you foot with the accelerator to get the best MPG's. It takes a few hours in the cockpit to get the "feel".
it gets better. I also find that the gas tank bladder (yes it has a bag in there) is smaller and tight when new. It stretches out a bit as you go thru a few tanks. You might be only getting 5 or 8 gallons when you pump into a new bladder. My Pri is 6 weeks old now at 2500 miles and I am up to high 40's or low 50's without much effort. It gets better at 5000 miles and then at 10K also. enjoy the car. It is the most reliable, most technological, smartest car you have ever seen. enjoy it!