"A big chunk 15-20% of gasoline gets un-burnt due to the size of the gasoline molecules, this comes out your engine as smog and pollution." That's so retarded. If your engine actually did this, your catalytic converter would be clogged in about two days, and the engine computer would be so confused about its sensor readings that it would throw a check engine light. What a bunch of BS - who is dumb enough to believe there is even a grain of truth in anything posted there???
don't worry, tasker109. you asked your question in good faith. none of us will know everything! - - - - - - that website is a bunch of bull crap. i did, however, have a huge laugh at this part: Have you ever tried to get from point A to B through a crowd FULL of people shoulder to shoulder? It's the same with gasoline. It clumps together, because it's a very rich, and heavy compound. It's like a bunch of marbles stuck together very tightly. What the oil companies did was find a way to spread the gasoline particles out, so they have more space between them, like pop-corn.This lets air and oxygen between them, and makes them burn better. When you drive up to a gas station and see the different grades of gasoline... Basic, Premium, Plus... etc... These are just different grades of molecule spacing. They're making the gas more effective, and charging you more money for it! hahahahhahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!! what freaking liars! hahahahahahah
I found this to be an interesting article about it that I found Dubai, Middle East Going Green Through $30M per Annum Distribution Agreement With Ethos Environmental
I appreciate people asking questions like this! I don't have a great deal of education in the field of chemistry, or even the field of automobile technology, so occasionally someone will slip BS past me, and I won't catch it. However, I do know enough that auto "mechanics" have found it rather detrimental to try to pull one over on me, whether it's the state of my rotors, my belts, or my blinker fluid!