I was in CA earlier this week and they were doing a report on the high price of gas. They showed an SUV and the cost of filling up was $75.00. Then they showed a Prius next to it and said "And even they have high costs! $40!" Well, you dip, let's do math--yes, 10 gallons x $4 = $40.00. But the question you should have asked is "How often do they have to fill up? And how much emission is coming from them?":laser:
I didnt see the news cast so cannot be sure, but it sounds like he was just saying that even economy cars are spending a lot on gas now per gallon. That much is true. He may not have really known that we can go 4 times as far with a gallon as most regular gas wasters. even smaller cars now are gas wasters if ICE only.
i gave up on TV news a long time ago. when I was a undergrad living in a dorm, i didn't have TV, so I just read my news online, etc. when I went back home and watched the evening news, I couldn't believe how simplistic and sensational things were!!!!!! you can feel the intelligence draining away from you as you watched it. not that online news is perfect, but anyways, i'll return... :focus: to be fair, not everybody can afford a prius. but i know what you mean!
In their defense, the piece was on the price of gas, not emissions. And I fill up my Prius about as often as I filled up my pickup, it just costs a lot less.
Amen to that. Carefully listen to the words in Don Henley's song: Dirty Laundry! He captures the essence of TV News.
An appropriate comment, given that it's national TV Turnoff Week. http://www.screentime.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12&Itemid=21 Have you sponsored a TV Turnoff event in your community?
I've never been able to put 10 gal in mine. The most I do is 7 or 8, and I think the most I've paid is well under $30, so far, in sunny, overpriced, gas rip-off southern California.