I'm not trying to start a pro/con gun argument;just asking how many if any gun owners,hunters &/or recreational shooters own Prii since "everyone knows" we're a bunch of tree-hugging pacifistic liberal-socialists.I run into this as a nurse as "everyone knows" the medical profession overwhelmingly supports gun control & asked a similar question on a nursing forum (we don't).
im nowhere near being a tree-hugging pacifistic liberal-socialists, i drive the prius cus i have a purpose for it, i hope noone tries to tst me one of these days! im a member of the NRA, recreational shooter, looking into going hunting for the 1st time this year, im also starting quite a small collection as we speak i have many opinions and view about gun control but since you mentioned you didnt want to start a debate, ill keep it to myself for now, i hope everyone else can do the same up to date here is my list: kimber raptor 2 fullsize .45 acp glock g29 10mm sub compact + slight mods semi built ar-15 lower receiver from stag arms recently ordered a mossberg 500 12ga tactical pump shotgun tons of ammo bought by the bulk in the near future im looking to pick up some sort of a high power rifle maybe in a 30-.06 chamber for my hunting trip
I stopped big game and bird hunting when I was about 22. I only own a shotgun now. I find studying organisms much more rewarding than killing them now. Well, I wouldn't mind helping exterminate goats in the Galapagos or pigs on the Santa Cruz islands.
I am a recreational shooter, I own various rifles and shotguns. Although I don't hunt much anymore, I have not completely given it up. I now shoot trap and sporting clays sometimes as well as long range target shooting.
F8L:I rarely hunt:it's been about 10 years since I went dove shooting & I think I killed 3;they died laughing at my lack of wingshooting skills.Nowadays I 'hunt' clay birds:anybody got a good recipe? They're kinda tough & have a distinctly 'earthy' taste*VBG*. I have been known to pop the odd pesty squirrel that raids my bird feeder & crockpot him:I'm from the "You killed it you eat it" school. Respondents please note:I'm not asking this to find out what or why you own or how you use it.I'm simply challenging a stereotype.
Don't feel bad. I had no problems hitting Quail on the wing but I could not kill Pheasants, even if they were standing still on the ground. Wth? Hahaha
I don't hunt, I do however love to shoot. I am in the process of getting my license. In NJ it's hard to LEGALLY optain a gun license. Once I get one I am sure I will own a couple guns. I own about 10 different type of BB and Pellet guns now, but you also need a license for those in NJ as well so keep that on the down Low, lol.
I'm pretty sure there was a poll on this subject at one point...and some lively discussion. But I'm a multiple gun owner...though I admit I haven't done any real shooting for a few years. I like to kill some doves every couple years on the first day of the season.
I used to hunt small game, mostly squirrels, when I was in high school and college. While my friends used shot guns with pellets I used a bead-scoped, single-shot .22. If I were starving and needed the meat I would use whatever means were necessary, but I went out for the sport and the skill. Granted, I would also clean and eat it after a good day.
I am a card carrying NRA member working in the medical field. Thieves and burglars in my home should know I don't dial 911. :laser:
oh yeah i forgot to mention i also shoot clay...we have a trap and skeet range at my work...im not that good tho i think i got like 15 out of 25 at one point...need to see what i can do now, havent gone in a while
So as a 2-Prius family, are we ULTRA wacko pinko's? I am a social liberal and fiscal conservative (a position hard to find in politicians) and I've been a deer, grouse, and duck hunter since I was a kid. I have a Savage 30-06 for Deer and a Browning 12 gauge pump for birds. The "family" also owns two 30-30's, a 22, a 22 pistol, a Remington automatic 12 gauge (My dad's), a couple of 20 gauge shotguns, and a Browning 12 gauge pump (My deceased brothers). All of our guns were bought for hunting purposes and most never leave the famly cabin. I don't have or need a gun in my house. Oh wait, I do have a pellet gun at home, used for thieving bunny's in the garden. I haven't done as much bird hunting since my kids were born, but deer hunting is practically a religion in my family and is never missed. When you shoot your first deer, an older member draws a cross on your forehead in blood while dressing the animal for the newbie. The next one is their's to dress!
My neighbour blasted a squirrel last fall with a paintball gun, don't very often see a bright green squirrel, but he sure looked pi$$ed. As far as guns, when I lived on a farm, I had a 50cal percussion muzzleloader, an 40cal flintlock, double barrel 12ga muzzle loader shotgun, and a 12ga pump modern shotgun. Gave up hunting when I moved to town and gave my guns to my nephew.
Tleonhar's story reminds me of one: I was moonlighting at WalMart when a customer wanted to look at pellet guns.Seems his neighbor's dog kept using his yard for a restroom & digging area & talks with the neighbor were getting nowhere.I casually knew this customer as a paintballer & asked how paintballs might sting the dog.He looked at me then bought some lime-green & blaze orange paintballs.Later I asked him how it'd gone:seems he blasted the dog then went to confront the owner."My dog don't get out!" "Oh?Gee,you better take him to the vet then:he's turning orange & green." End of problem. HiYo Silver & others:the good old Daisy lever-action BB gun is effective on pesty squrrels,rabbits,stray dogs & cats without doing damage.But I gotta say these paintball posts get me to thinkin'*G*. Darwood:without hijacking the thread I suspect you're in the majority both here & in the nation.I know I'm with you.
But I want to damage the squirrel. I can pretty much nail the broad side of a dog, just throwing a rock at him, and seldom see one performing the same trick twice. But this rascally squirrel has developed a taste for tulips, rhododendrons, and magnolias. He's much harder to hit, and is only scared off temporarily. :laser:
06 Prius, bird hunt, bow hunt, used to trap/skeet a bit but not such a good shot. Got an old 98 Chev 3/4 ton for the field stuff. Every $ I save on gas with the Prius is more shells for the 12 ga
Ever been hit on exposed skin with a paintball? It tends to sting a bit. Hit the squirrel with multiple paintballs, and the squirrel will definitely have a religious experience.
Hunter here! I grew up on a dairy farm in Virgil, NY (Greek Peak anyone?) which taught me to hunt woodchucks (ground hogs, or whatever other name is out there for them). I'm now a database developer (FileMaker!) but I continue to hunt woodchucks when I have time, which is much more rare than it used to be. 5 years or so ago I started hunting deer with a shotgun (can't use rifles where I hunt) and last year I took up bowhunting. I own a 22-250, a .17 rimfire (favorite for chucks - awesome gun!), a .22, a side by side Browning 20 gauge, and a Browning Gold 12 gauge (semi-auto with rifled barrel for deer hunting.) Bow is a Bowtech Guardian. IF they ever add rifles to the list of legal implements for Deer, I'll probably add a 25-06 to the list, or something similar. Used to drive a Forester, this will be my first year w/o it, we'll see how the Prius does. It can get a little rough weather-wise during deer season. Already planning to put a trailer hitch on the car so I can use my "dead deer carrier" or a trailer this year. Oh, and a bumper sticker - "Save a Prius, Kill a Deer". No, not really, it wouldn't go over well where I live, I'm afraid. Jack
I'd rather hunt with a Canon than a gun. My last outing I shot quite a few kangaroos, emus, wedge tailed eagles, horses, camels, swans, pelicans and a hand full of people, mostly family. PS, I actually prefer Olympus to Canon but it wouldn't have the same affect.