you're the 2nd person that has spoken that highly of it.... I looked at the case and just put it down. say it, come on "you cant judge a book by its cover" bow chicka wow wow :fencing:reggers:reggers:reggers:
I read the book and didn't find it all that captivating. I'll try the film. Maybe the extra theatrics will hold my attention better. Thank's for the post.
I saw this movie on TV when nothing else was on and in the beginning was multi tasking. Eventually I dropped what I was multi tasking and was glued to the TV set. Very captivating movie.
Great movie. It's amazing how stupid some people can be, particularly young males. The rangers up there have to deal with guys like that all of the time. We get the same thing with boating. I've had to save a few of them. Tom
I read the book years ago and had th e same feelings. As someone who lived in Alaska for 3 years I just kept thinking this is just another angst filled kid who found a novel way to be stupid and get himself killed. I don't doubt that Shawn Penn did a good job with the movie...I'll try to catch it for $1 from the McDonald's Red Box or HBO/Showtime if it's on those.
As a rule I stay away from the 'idiot as hero' genre except as negative examples: 'Midnight Express'-what happens when you try to smuggle dope 'Grizzly Man'-what happens when you play with bears 'Into the Wild'-what happens when you tackle the wilderness without training & supplys.
I saw it with my wife and let's just say, I was less than captivated. :bored: I found it to be quite boring and self indulgent. And quite frankly, the ending sucked. My wife agreed with me and she's from Alaska! To each his own I guess.