My wife and I are taking a Novice Class in Motor Crossing this weekend. We were planning to drive our 90 Miata, however because of bad weather, and about a 5 hour drive, we were about to cancel. The class is two days, one day with about 5 hours classroom training and the following day setting up, running, and driving in a Novice Motor Cross. The instructor told us it wasn't really necessary to have a "race" car per say, since this is more introduction to Motor Crossing. Has anybody ran a Prius in a real Motor Cross? how did it handle? I don't think I will be able to burn rubber or anything, but it might be fun. I know it will be cheaper to get there.
I sent a email to the instructor of the Motor School about using our Prius rather than the Miata. His reply "Why not? I think you would actually learn a lot in that car. Remember, the object isn’t to go fast…it’s to learn *how* to go fast. Anyways our object in taking the class was to improve driving skills, so why not the Prius.
Motor cross? You mean Auto-cross? Auto-cross is on pavement, as far as I know Motor-cross is dirt. I would never take the Prius off road at any speed. Auto-cross, yeah, no problem.
Last year Hobbit ran his Prius in EV mode in the autocross against the students' electrics & biodiesels as part of The Tour to the Shore. There are a couple threads in the NJ forum. You'll have no problems & good luck.