On Sunday, April 27th, the Chicago Prius Group will hold an Earth Day meet-n-greet at Grossinger Toyota in Lincolnwood, IL. This event will run from 11:00am until 5:00. Rough agenda: 11:00am - Noon Informal meet-n-greet and open discussions Rides with a Hypermiler potentially Noon - 12:30 Welcomes and Introductions 1:00 - 2:00 Preparing your Prius for Summer (Wayne Mitchell) 2:30 - 3:30 Every Day is Earth Day (Tony Schaefer) 4:00 Closing remarks Raffle potentially Rides with a Hypermiler potentially If you happen to be in the Chicagoland Area, consider coming out. If you're not, feel free to come anyway. lane::car: I'm going to try and get SWANCC (Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County) to come and hopefully bring a truck so we can all bring our recyclables. If anyone has any ideas for other topics or would like to help organize the event or wants to help in any way, please let me know.
I will definitely be there. Hopefully there will be a big crowd. I am sure you are going to post it at greenhybrid and clean mpg.
I just wanted to make sure this will be on Sunday. The dealership isn't open on Sunday. Otherwise will this just be taking place at their parking lot?
Grossinger's Service Department is open on Sundays. It is illegal in Illinois to sell vehicles on Sunday. For this reason, we try to have events on Sundays when people can come, ask questions, look around and know that no one is going to ask "what can we do to get you into one of these today?" Thanks for the clarifying question.
Sounds great. I just purchased my Prius last week and I must say I've never been so happy. I've even had a few people interested in getting a Prius as their next car purchase. Anyhow, I will be there and Sunday is a perfect day. You don't have to deal with the naggy "Are you coming to trade that in"? UGH
Hey Tony, I assume this is still scheduled, but I haven't heard anything lately, so I want to verify this before going on a long drive (if I have the time, but I'd like to for sure).
Tony ... Seems to me that the last M&G we had at Grossingers had some snacks & stuff. Is anything like that planned? BYO?
Hello, I just found this Chicago section, I bought my new 08 Prius last Saturday from Elmhurst Toyota and I think I will come to this on Sunday, I live in Homewood, far south suburb, but hey,, In my new Prius, I don't care about the mileage or the gas to get to Lincolnwood This meeting looks like fun!!!!!!!!!
Will gloves and mittens be provided??? I understand that snow showers and possible. I'm going to try and make it. I wish the weather would cooperate.
I wish I could make it up there, Nichole and I had a great time in Chicago and Grossinger is a great host. But, I'm stuck in sunny South Carolina where the forecast is sunny and 78 Be sure to take some pictures! And if anyone can get audio from the tutorial sessions maybe we can turn them into a podcast.
Hey guys, Yep we're still on. I just didn't want to keep bumping this thread every day. By the way, did anyone see the mention in the Chicago Trib on Sunday in the Transportation section. Check "Glovebox". Of course, when you plan something you can only pray that Nature will cooperate. Luckily, Kevin (KFREN) has promised that we will be indoors rather than in the service bay like last year. Danny has kicked it up a notch and offered to pitch in a couple things for the raffle. Wanna know what they are? Show up and find out. Also, I have received work from Fox News Chicago that they will again be there to shoot some video and interview some people.
Dan- so sorry you can't be there. That was the first PriusChat/Group meeting I attended. You had just purchased a gorgeous magnetic grey Prius & mine was still on order. Great opportunity for publicity. Any way you can "unstick" yourself? NC is nice & all but Chicago chilliness is, well, cooler. Kevin - you sold me my Prius. So delighted you'll be there. Now I'm looking forward to the meeting even more!
Dont worry about the weather this will be indoors. I have food and drink provided. Looking forward to seeing everybody!!
Just a brief note to say this was a super meeting. So much information from Tony & Wayne, as usual. Lots of time to ask questions of them & share information with each other. More than a few problems solved, new ideas presented. As much as you think you know, there's always something else to learn! Nice to see so many new faces & meet other people who were, like us, in love with the Prius. Thanks so much to Kevin & Grossinger's for providing us a warm welcome, food, & great accommodations. Extra special thanks to Tony & Wayne who spent so much time & (their) money planning & executing this event as well as providing a wonderful array of raffle gifts. The people who won the PriusChat gifts have Danny to thank as well. To those who couldn't make it, consider the next Chicago Prius Group meeting. You don't have to be a hypermiler (I'm not) or an engineer (I'm not, although I suspect more than a few of the men there were!) to feel warmly included. Can't wait for the next meeting!
Yeah, I'm sorry to have missed it. But this is a really busy time of year for me. Among other things, I coordinate the wildlife monitoring programs for a local conservation group, so at the time of the meeting I had my Prius loaded up with a hybrid bike (they call it something else now, but it's the type with a mountain bike frame & handle bars, road bike tire size (700x35, bit wider than a real road bike), and it just barely fits in the Prius with the wheels on). I also had some tools and a 25-pound (at least) fence-post pounder. Drove out to the local forest preserve and re-established some bluebird houses that apparently some pranksters pulled out over the winter and carried off to the nearest trail. (Carrying the post pounder on the back rack of the bike was almost enough to give me a wheelie on the bumps). As I was setting up the houses, there were numerous tree swallows circling around eyeing the birdhouses (they also use that type of house), just waiting for me to leave. I walked off 40 feet from one and just watched for a bit and within a minute one had already landed on it. Plenty of deer bones, maybe the population was thinned a bit with the harsh winter. Also saw a big 2' garter snake, I thought it'd be too cool for it on Sunday. Then coming back besides the bicycle and post pounder, I had a 6.5' metal pole and a birdhouse that I need to fix at home. So the Prius was getting a good workout anyway. I'll have to wait for the next CPG meeting. And for the engineers that were there - what, no podcast posted yet?