everyone- Just wanted to let you know that I am now the proud owner of a Seaside Pearl Prius with package #6. Still learning about all the gadgets. Traded in my 2005 Lexus ES330, and have no regrets. I think this is going to be one of my favorite autos!
Welcome. I have been an owner for just over two months. Currently averaging about 47 mpg and am still learning. best tank 50.6 mpg. You, too, will love this car.
I am also a 2 day owner! Silver Pine Mica Package #2. I kept my 97 Pathfinder-- I'm remodeling my house and so I think I'll keep using the Pathy for junk yard runs and hauls from Home Depot and keep the Prius clean. I drove close to 150 miles yesterday and averaged 52 mpg. I've got 1000 sq. feet of bamboo flooring I need to install in the next week. Anyone want to help?
^^^^ Congratulations, pumpkin !!! Lucky you !! I too hope to own "my" Prius very soon....the color I want must be ordered....would love to see some pics of your car !!!