I'm watching it tonight, but a friend watched and mentioned some highlights...like Click and Clack wondering aloud to the GM person why anyone needs 500 HP. also, the volt was mentioned at 40 mile electric range and GM is waiting for a battery...or words to the effect. Wth? the battery IS here...WAS here over 10 years ago...and over 100 mile range!! WHY didn't Click and Clack corner them about selling the EV-1 battery tech to Chevron, and then shelving the whole project? Why aren't these questions being asked? Is it funding? Were they NOT allowed to probe the past mis-dealings of this "green" company? For once I'd like the truth to come out on TV about GM. That'd be a show to watch. Talk about a reality show...
I'm not sure whether it was intentional humor or not, but they first showed Tom and Ray driving the Tesla around on rural roads, then cut to the display of the "imaginary car", the Volt. And then the guy from GM repeated the company line: "The batteries just aren't ready yet"
The Topic Title confused me. NOVA is a TV Show Nova is [FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][SIZE=-1][/SIZE][/FONT]
what's the MPG on a Nova? And to continue with the thread...how's about a Super Nova...or retro hybrid. Explosions of stars aside... would that get the masses attention? i mean if we want to delve into the past with the "glory" muscle cars, why not make them a bit cleaner and more efficient. Win-win for those who just can't handle the Prius future-car!