Trying to determine if someone is loosening your lug nuts? I used to have a coworker who was paranoid about someone entering her office when she wasn't there so she stuck tape across the door and doorjamb. We discovered it when someone entered her office when she wasn't there.
thread lock on the outside of the lug nuts and the valve stem cap . . . looks a little like paranoia :boink:
did u leave a note on the drivers windsheild, excuse me sir but why did you do this? maybe its supposed to look cool when the wheels are spinning
Yep, anti paranoid compound. The aerospace industry calls it anti-tamper compound. After experiencing several shops 'saying' they rotated tires, this seemed a sure fire way to assure the job was done. Killing 2 birds w/ one stone, read a few blogs outside PC. More than a few have had hate mongers loosen lugs. The valve stem has it because 100% of the time that I ask the shop to LEAVE the PRESSURE alone, they still re-set it to 36lbs. What the heck, it only took a half minute to do it, and maybe a minute to reapply it after the rotation. OK, I admit it. It's over kill But ya neva neva know.
That's just a costco thing ... they put on green so it lets 'em know its filled with nitrogen. But don't get folks started on the nitrogen thing ... it's already been beat to death.
Why not just put green valve stem covers on only one set of wheels? If they are rotated properly the valve cover will have moved with the tires? You could also use a "tire crayon" and mark the tires F, R and then you'd know if they were moved...???
I think if you can't trust the shop to rotate your tires, you either need to find a different shop or do it yourself. I took my car to the dealer for the 1st service. They: 1. Overfilled the oil by about 1/2 pint. 2. Didn't tighten the valve stem caps which I discovered when I checked the pressure a couple of days later and found one missing and another about to fall off. 3. And, as a result of discovering #2 above, I checked the lug nuts with a torque wrench and found 3 lug nuts that were loose. So, now I change the oil and rotate the tires myself.
I just went in monday for my first oil change and they rotated the tires but only reset one of the tires back to 36. I was shocked when I went to the next tire to find that it was still 42psi. There was enough greasy finger prints all over my rims to tell that they must have rotated them. Unless They just do that for show.