Wouldn't bother with premium unless you can buy it cheaper than regular. There is no boost in performance or consumption. PS, hate your sig. Feels like I am being shouted at because it's all bold. Maybe it would be better on a gun nut forum. Not trying to get into a :fencing:
dont waste money with new vehicles that are designed to use regular by putting premium in. it only helps the oil company about 12 cents more a gallon. oh and it helps the govt about 50cents per gallon.
Asked and answered. This question is right up there with "How do I disable the reverse beeper?" or "Dino or synthetic?" or "What are the best tires for the Prius?"
Actually, with the Prius it's warned to *not* use premium, or starting issues may result. The car was designed to use regular unleaded My FJ is allowed to run on regular, though it has tuning that takes advantage of premium. It runs fine on regular, but on Shell Super V seems peppier. For as often as I drive it - 600 km since Feb - I stick with Super V
Thanks for the suggestion. I've un-bolded my type. Now, could it be you're a bit jealous because here in the US we have rights to self defense and in Australia there is an all out ban on citizens owning guns?? I guess I hit a sore spot with the Ghandi quote.
No, I agree with Pat and I live in the US. Lots of people have political messages in their sigs, but there's no need to shout regardless of what the message is.