What's the difference between the NAV unlock by toggling the speed sense wire and using Coastal Tech's $99 lockpick. And don't say "nothing" because it's clearly something because with their solution it has "no ill effects" and you don't have to flip any switches. So how is it doing the magic? Part of the reason is - so much bad press about coastal tech here, i'm far from interested in dealing with them. I want their EV Mode Mod, and the lockpick 3 basic for my 2008 except that I'm not interested in purchasing from a company with such a bad reputation.
They tap into the circuitry to override and fool the speed sensor to believe it's still connected. If you simply put in a switch eventually the computer figures out that you're still moving and it will lock you out until you toggle the switch again. The 'cut the wire' mod is very cheap and easy and if you don't use the NAV a lot is probably a good option. If you're shy about taking the car apart or cutting wires or soldering and such the Coastal kit is a nice easy install for the money that'll give you good results. But yea, be prepared to deal with their less than stellar customer support.
Thanks EFusco... I'm not afraid to cut anything - but i like their solution as it can be removed - as my vehicle is leased. I emailed them to see if they have stuff in stock before I order. Their web site also says they don't ship to Canada.
The lockpick works great, took me a little while to get it figured out but once you do it works great. The have no customer support at all.