My climate control system always seems to default to the OUTSIDE AIR setting. Most of the time I can't stand it on this setting because when the outside air mixes with some part of the inside- it stinks!! And this is a (still) new '07 model....It's always been this way. With the internal air circulation setting it doesn't smell as bad, and plus it keeps the vents closed if I don't need any air flow and just want it shut off. Even when I turn on the A/C the setting flips over to the outside air flow rather than internal air re-circulation, which is supposed to be the default for basic air conditioning. I always have to hit the button on the steering wheel to change it, almost ALL THE TIME. Is this "broken" or what???
Another thing to add to the list of things where Prii got it wrong. I always forget to push the circulate button until I get behind a little peckered 4 wheel drive F350 diesel duelly blowing crud out of both pipes. I don't mind the over sized pickups - just some of the pricks who drive them without cause or need other than to compensate for their small package.:rant:
It's not broken, that's the way it's designed. I don't like outside air either when there's a stinky truck or school bus ahead of me. I think it depends on the humidity: the car tries to make the interior air comfortable, so if it's hmid it wants to open the vents and turn on the compressor a bit to dry the cabin air.
If the outside air really stinks, maybe there's something disgusting (or dead) in the metal cowl tray. I posted instructions about how to gain access to that tray here:
Did Toyota change the A/C controls on later models? My 2004 defaults to outside air only when 1. I set it to "front defrost", or 2. when the car is turned ON and it was set to "front defrost" the last time the car was turned OFF. It is also easy to hit the "outside air" button on the steering wheel by mistake. I hate it when I do that.
It must be differnet now Richard, as mine defaults to outside air and the wheel button is for inside air.
Bummer. To be clear, the button on my steering wheel toggles between inside/outside air; it's not a fixed outside-only button. Is yours also a toggle?
yea it is- I think. If I go to Fresh air I sometimes get a musty smell that isnt nice coming from a new car. I have to remember to mention that when I take it in for it's first service. That and that I cannot unscrew the antenna. It's too tight. And it pulls a bit to the left. and I noticed some small but deep scratches on the bumper. I'm gonna stop now- It's bumming me out!:tape:
I guess this is yet another case of the Prius doing what it "thinks" is in your best interest, even when it isn't. Just like not being able to stay in ICE mode at all times if I want (so when driving long term in stop & go rush hour with A/C on in the blaring heat, the engine doesn't keep shutting on and off with every single slight touch of the accelerator- as the battery is drained from A/C usage).
Wouldn't bother me as much if the outside air setting didn't smell so bad. And I'm not exactly talking about the exhaust from other cars, or air pollution. I'm talking about the stink from the air passing THROUGH the internal car "parts". And this is a brand new car. Why does it smell so bad on this setting? I certainly don't have this problem if the A/C or heater is on. Also haven't had this problem on previous cars...... Maybe I need to squirt some kind of an aromatherapy liquid inside somewhere. LOL
That could be blockage in the hood/windshield cowl drains. Open the hood and see whether water disappears freely. If not there's a procedure posted somewhere here describing how to take the cowl apart to access the drains for cleaning; or have the dealer do it. Mice are another uglier possibility.
Interesting thread. When we leave the car at the airport while taking a trip for 5-7 days, it always smells bad. At first we thought maybe the travel mugs with coffee residue was causing it, then we thought it was because we had a bale of straw in the back for a few miles. The dealer replaced the interior filter and we thought that was the problem but next trip to the airport, it still smelled-- sort of like rancid straw. It's not apparent on the daily trips but only when sitting for a week or so. Any theories? K:yuck:
Thanks Richard. I will check the drains. I doubt it would be mice around here. Rats maybe! but they are big enough to drive so wouldnt want to hide in the ac vents even if they could fit! Note to Tourists: It is safe here, really. The last rat problem was several years ago in Apopka and the county killed thousands of nests and many thousands of rats. They seem to come around every decade.
That's about what I would describe the smell as too. Actually the smell also kind of reminds of the inside of a Goodwill store. Sort of a musty pungent stench. What's up with this? I payed $27k for this car and the ventilation system makes it smell like a cheap used subcompact.