Am I just being paranoid?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by neon tetra, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. neon tetra

    neon tetra Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    2008 Prius
    My Prius was (supposedly) finally delivered to a dealership in CT today.

    My salesman told me that it should be at my local dealership (NJ) tomorrow.

    Apparently they're doing a 'swap'; driving a different one out there, and driving mine back.

    For some reason, I just don't feel right about this. I'm probably just being paranoid, but I picture some idiot driving my car over 200 miles and not taking it easy, which could be bad during the break-in period. Maybe thinking "I wonder how fast these things can go!".

    I told him I'd almost rather go there & pick it up myself, but he said they need to do the swap.
  2. Grocked

    Grocked Green Patriot

    Apr 19, 2008
    Los Angeles
    2008 Prius
    NO! You are not just being paranoid. Dealers pull this kind of BULL.... all the time. That's their game. You are being lied to. Your new Prius should have no more than 5-7 miles on the odometer! They're doing something screwy and you need to go over there immediately and find out what they're up to. If you want a NEW car. Sometimes people buy a Prius and they're unhappy with the color or interior or whatever. If they push hard enough a dealer will take the car back and change it out for them. I've seen this happen when a friend ordered their Prius with one color leather and decided after a week they wanted a darker color. Like I've said in previous posts, dealers are scumbags and will lie to you. My advice? Contact the OWNER of the dealership. Not the manager or fleet manager. The OWNER of the whole thing. Tell this person you do not want to be screwed with and be firm. Otherwise, you'll be getting a used car.
  3. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog C'Mere Sheepie!

    Mar 12, 2008
    Sanford FLorida
    2008 Prius
    usually retired or mature folks do the car hops for dealerships. They know not to hotrod a new car. I wouldnt worry.

    what am I talking about- I worry about mine just sitting in the parking lot at work- and I keep a security camera pointed at it!

    anyway, I am sure it will be perfect.:caked:
  4. neon tetra

    neon tetra Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    2008 Prius
    I wouldn't have even given it a second thought, but so far this place has lied to me several times & every single person in there that I talked to seemed...I do not know, I think they watch too much Sopranos or something, lol.

    (I love the show btw, but these peeps seriously all think they're gangstas or something)

    At first they told me they can get any color Prius in any package & trim level in 1-2 days tops. Turned out to be a lie.
    Next they told me I could finance up to $25000 at 0% financing. Another lie.
    Then they told me they found the one I wanted, so I put $1000 down on it.
    It was just waiting to be delivered to my local dealer.
    "Friday likely, Monday the latest"
    Well now it's Tuesday & I still haven't heard anything, so I finally get a hold of the guy (no easy task mind you), and he says it just arrived in CT.
    (I thought it was there to begin with)
    Now it will supposedly be here tomorrow.

    I did try other dealers in the area, but this is the only one that found (or at least said they found) the one I wanted.

    I leave for a 7000+ mile road trip in exactly a month & I really need the car a.s.a.p.

    I think tomorrow I call the owner.
  5. Grocked

    Grocked Green Patriot

    Apr 19, 2008
    Los Angeles
    2008 Prius
    Good choice. Because once you call the owner you start getting what you want. All of a sudden you stop getting lied to. It actually works. Also, tell the owner about your experience so far with the dealership. Be nice but firm. Good luck!
  6. skguh

    skguh Member

    Sep 28, 2007
    Montgomery, Alabama
    2008 Prius
    How in the WORLD do you know that the dealer is doing all of this? for chrissakes, ChickenLittle, get a grip.

    If one doesn't trust the dealership, simply go someplace else. Gawd, I hope there's some Librium in your town.
  7. neon tetra

    neon tetra Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    2008 Prius

    Thing is, this is the 3rd dealer I've gone to.
    The other 2 said that they don't even bother ordering Priuses.
    One had exactly 1 on the lot, and the other said it'd be over 2 months if they could even get it....and it would likely be over MSRP.
    So I'm kinda stuck w/ these clowns.
  8. Barcelona Red Lass

    Barcelona Red Lass Sips gas like fine wine!

    Jul 12, 2007
    Sunny So.Cal!
    2007 Prius
    Why are they swapping it by DRIVING it?? When my dealer swapped to get mine, they sent a TOW TRUCK to carry it over.

  9. Ct. Ken V

    Ct. Ken V Active Member

    Oct 16, 2007
    2005 Prius

    If they work an electronic swap on the computer, it's real easy while it's still on the boat, or even while it's in the port before it gets loaded onto the car carrier delivery truck (once it goes on board a truck it's locked in for delivery to a certain dealer). At this point a swap can still be done, but it's now a physical swap.

    Either way, it still depends on the surrender'g dealer getting something he wants (& can't usually get) to replace what he's giving up (that's why you just can't go to the CT dealer to bring your car back). You'd have to take some car to him & your NJ dealer isn't insured for YOU to do that (only certain of their employees are allowed to do it).

    Don't worry too much about the 200 miles because you will be getting the exact car you've been look'g for, right? April 8th was the last date dealers could order a 2008 model & they won't be taking orders for the 2009's until June [with deliveries not start'g until mid-Sept (likely only on the west coast) through the end of Oct (which is probably the earliest you could expect to get one in NJ)]. What you want is probably pretty hard to find right now, so be glad this "lying" dealer is will'g to do the swap for you (many aren't will'g).

    As far as tow'g or flat bed'g, have you priced a 200 mile tow at AAA [your 1st 100 miles free if you have the upgraded membership---but I think your car has to be registered to you & be inoperable (broken down) for them to provide the road service for you]. You could always contract with your local neighborhood garage that has wrecker service, but they will probably charge you for the 400 mile round trip & I don't think their insurance will allow you to ride with the driver if that's what you were think'g [to be sure he loads & unloads it safely---some wrecker operators can be butchers (I know because I've had personal experience)].

    Also, think of the poor mileage of a wrecker & the higher (than premium gas) price of diesel fuel (around $4.50 a gallon in some places). That's why your dealer is doing the driving swap instead of send'g his own wrecker [probably saving $90 or more (figuring a generous? 20 MPG for a 400-mile round trip) on diesel fuel by only spend'g about $14 (at around $3.50 per gallon?)for the gas in either Prius (at about 50 MPG for the 200-mile one way drive) assum'g he has to swap another Prius for your Prius.

    Also, because of the traction control, if he is TOWING (front wheels lifted up, rear wheels down on the ground) he MUST NOT turn on any power in the car or he will damage the traction control or the transmission (I don't remember which). And because the power MUST remain OFF (due to the traction control), the car CAN'T be towed with the front drive wheels down because turn'g power off (even from neutral) engages the park'g pawl, lock'g the transmission & wheels. Just let the dealer's person do the drive from CT to NJ.

    Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
  10. Grocked

    Grocked Green Patriot

    Apr 19, 2008
    Los Angeles
    2008 Prius
    Sounds like something a dealer would say... :lie:

    FACT: Car dealerships lie. You won't get much disagreement from anyone here......Unless......They're a dealer!!
  11. neon tetra

    neon tetra Member

    Apr 9, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Thanks for all the input.

    It's just driving me crazy b/c I'm planning this whole road trip & making campground reservations & ordering supplies, etc... and I still don't have the car & it keeps taking longer & longer.
  12. la cucaracha

    la cucaracha New Member

    Mar 28, 2008
    2008 Prius
    I think you may be acting a bit paranoid. Cars are driven in do to dealer swapping all the time. The car is under warranty for 3 years. Once it has 5000 miles on it you want even remember the 200 miles. I don't think dealers are in the business to abuse new vehicles to get even with a customer. Could it happen yes but maybe it could happen with just 7 miles on it depending what happened in the 7 miles it was driven. Relax, get your car and enjoy it.
    Prius is great but it is just a car .. it will be fine.
  13. jmascharka

    jmascharka New Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    Sneads Ferry, NC
    2008 Prius
    I got my car the beginning of the month. The dealer didn't have what I wanted on his lot, so he did a dealer trade with a dealer that had the vehicle I wanted. They send a runner with their vehicle to the other dealer and brought mine back. Then they did the service on it and I picked it up a couple days later. When I got it, it had 202 miles on it. I'd rather have that, than to get one I don't want. In the whole scheme of things, is a couple hundred miles worth worrying about? Love the car and plan a 1500 mi trip next month. Getting 54mpg on my daily commute. Much better than the 16mpg my F250 was getting. :)
  14. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Dealers swapping vehicles is very common. And sometime it can be bizarre.
    A friend's Tacoma lease came due last fall so he set out to lease another one. The local dealer said they didn't have and couldn't get the one he wanted. (In other words, they didn't want to put out any effort to hunt up a swap). A dealer 60 miles south said they could get one. The truck "came in" as a swap a week or so later. And which dealer do you suppose they got it from???? YES the local dealer who happened to get the exact truck my friend wanted on a generic delivery.

    It gets better. Because it had already been 'sold' to the southern dealer, they had to come get it, drive it to their dealership to prep it, then deliver it back up here to my friend. So it took 2 more days. They couldn't even have the local dealer do the prep??? Pretty stupid.
  15. Prius Prime

    Prius Prime Junior Member

    Feb 17, 2008
    Macomb, MI
    2016 Prius v wagon
    I totally understand your feelings.

    Mine had to be "traded" from a dealer in Ft Wayne, Indiana to my dealer in Warren, Michigan. Since my salesman tried for 2 weeks to get the blue (seaside pearl??) without any luck, then I changed to a super white :cool:--still had to wait for that one to arrive--but then I ended up with a 2008 model. I asked if I could go get it, but they raised the issue about the insurance and the fact was they had to trade TWO cars to get mine!! I requested that the driver stay under 65 mph and not smoke, drink or eat in the car.

    They said that no one would smoke or eat, or go over 65 as it was their policy anyway--I guess it is all senior citizens who do this. I got my car in September and there were no problems--in fact whoever drove it got about 48 mpg!

    When I picked it up, it looked perfect--it was cleaned and all the manuals and tags (there's some goofy hang tags from the MFD and stuff) were all in place. I couldn't really tell anyone had been in the car, really. :p

    I think it is all in how much you trust your dealer/salesman. I was just so happy to have it before the tax credit deadline hit.

    Good luck!
  16. Somechic

    Somechic Member

    Sep 29, 2005
    New Jersey
    2012 Prius
    What dealership are you dealing with? I bought my 05 Prius at Cherry Hill Toyota -- but did research at 3 other dealerships before settling.