Dear Esteemed Prius Owners I was surfing the web when i stumbled upon this website (it is a paid advert form google) Run Your Car on Water I am a bit of a scientist (thats why i got a Prius) and one thing i cannot figure out is how can this "run your car on water" thingy be true. Water does not burn, and the only way we can get energy out of water is by cold fusion, which does not exist (and probably never will). I am not sure if this has been posted before (just a fake video here, but this time this scam became a proper website with links from paid google ads. And all you need is to modify your current normal non-hybrid car with $150. Is there anything i don't know? All these years working in the hospital left me out of touch of the current technology. Perhaps some of the more knowledgable readers can shed some light. Otherwise i think this is a scam. (sigh.. why is there no goodness in this world?)
Water can be broken down into oxygen and hydrogen. One burns nicely, the other supports combustion. Sure a car could run on water...but I suspect the mechanics to break the water down (electrolysis) would be cost prohibitive and take up a lot of space. We could probably run a Prius on a small nuclear that would be cool. If was anything other than a get rich quick scheme, it would be all over the headlines.
The process of breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen that you describe is really the process of actually putting the energy into it. So that's like saying you can get electricity out of a battery--all you need to do is charge it first. But you're not getting something from nothing.
You should see how many people want this to be true on the Explorer board. It comes up all the time. Even the people who realize it is BS still want the others to try it out and report back. They never do. :gossip:
As pointed out above you can't get something (in this case, energy) for nothing. Slightly more savvy sellers of this stuff do some handwaving about how the injection of gaseous H2 and O2 improves gasoline combustion efficiency. That actually can be true, but to get any noticeable benefit the engine would have to running so badly to start with that black smoke would be pouring out the exhaust. In other words any engine that could be helped by this setup would get more benefit from a tuneup. The conclusion is the same: don't buy it.
I fall into that group. I know it's BS but I want to believe that there's some yet undiscovered magic fuel so much that I'd encourage *others* to try it so I can see the results... but I wouldn't try it myself.
The only magic I know about is walking. But I use a cane and everything in Florida is miles away so walking is out. I drive 45 minutes to work. That would be a long walk. The closest to magic is my Pri and smart driving!:music:
water can be used in the form of steam energy, by using the waste heat in the engine to evaporate the water and turn it into steam...
not to mention it won't add to overall efficiency: Like grunthos said, you can never get all the energy back from electrolyzing water and then burning it. (laws of thermodynamics). if you could, you would have a perpetual motion machine. now back in WWII, though, there were some water or alcohol injectors into piston-powered aircraft for "War Emergency Power" type stuff. I've heard different things about how that works, but of course you're not burning the water. It could be the water/steam holds onto the heat more efficiently than air or something. You couldn't run your engine like that forever, you'll destroy it eventually (hence, it was only for emergencies, like, a dog fight.) lane:
hey, there was a topic like this from a while back. people were saying exactly what we were i guess the laws of physics don't change.
Both the B-52 and AV-8B Harrier benefit from distilled water injection in the engines. But it is to change the density of the incoming air to improve thrust out. It also provides some limited cooling for the harrier Rolls Royce engine itself. I'm pretty sure I'm on the mark here, but hey, sue me if I'm wrong, as I only flew F-14s, and we had no water onboard.
Cap'n, I canna change the laws of physics! Re: steam power, the Prius actually doesn't have that much waste heat, hence the engine block heaters and grill blocking that goes on here.
oh, wow, i didn't realize the method was still in use! learn something new everyday. and btw, i love airplanes! totally fascinated by them. and gosh, you gotta tell us some stores about those carrier landings!!! :hail: ps: imagine if you had one of these things to continuously top off the battery! the wiki suggests this one puts out ~470 watts when new. Radioisotope thermoelectric generator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I agree with the earlier posts about aircrafts running on water for short bouts or mixing water with petrol as my father in law used these several times in dog fights in WWII. He later explored the idea and sat on a committee to develop a vehicle that ran on water in the early 60's. He's never gone into the mechanics of its functioning but did mention the amount of suppresion they received. Several of the board members had died from strange causes/diseases suddenly around the time of the vehicle's development. Certainly interesting and I should ask him further about the mechanized details...
kudos to your father in law! fighter pilots rock. :laser: ps: i know about water and/or alcohol injection systems, but not ones that run only on water even for a short time.
Water IS a fuel. The myths and distortions surrounding its use as such are similar in misinformation as the rumors about the Prius itself. Many people remember their school science class where Salt, Citrus Juice or perhaps Baking Soda was added to a sample of water and simple electrodes supplied with low-voltage Direct Current separated the two components into Hydrogen and Oxygen. The gasesous samples where then ignited by a burning ember to the resulting "POP" of rapid combustion, much to the delight of all. What the instructor did NOT allow, or even suggest, is combining the output of BOTH electrodes into a single test tube, and then attempt to ignite the mixture, THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN VERY DANGEROUS, and require Ballistics-grade shielding as well as ear muffs to protect all in the room, such is the POWER of Hydroxy, or HHO gas. This is just the basics, current practice is to use resonant frequencies to produce Monotomic Hydrogen, together with Oxygen. This HHO mix is several times as powerful as conventional means, and also much more unstable, so it must be generated and used immediately. There are two Prii being converted now for long term results. This is no joke.
It's no joke, but you still have to put more energy into cracking the water than what you get back. It is less than a zero-sum game, but it does have potential for making fuel from other energy sources, such as electricity and heat. Tom
By conventional means, to produce simple Hydroxy HHO gas, yes, you are correct. Separating the water by means of resonant frequencies (about 42.8 KHz), at high voltage(35-45KV) at extremely low amperage (milliamps), is the preferred method to achieve over unity.
I am a Inside Sales rep for a electronic distribution company where we distribute and manufacture potentiometers to corporations and the public. And somewhere we have our name as the place to call to buy the potentiometers for this Hydrogen Generator. We have been selling them for years. People always call up and tell me what they are building and how much it costs. This add is a little misleading because all my customers told me that after purchasing all the materials to make this, it costs over $1500. We never had anyone call and complain that it doesn't work, but then again no one ever called to tell me it does work either. we only supply the potentiometers for the application though (not the other stuff) and people told me that it takes a long time to build one. I used to get 3 calls a week for these, within the last month I have been getting 5 calls a day, and so have the other salesmen as well. It must be because it's spring and gas prices are outragious. The best part is that people tell me I should look into purchasing all these parts and build one. thats when I tell them I own a Prius