Okay so stupid me plugged in a hand vacuum in an AC/DC inverter to the front power outlet and after a half of a second of turning the vacuum on, both the inverter and vacuum turned off. After turning off the car I then unplugged the inverter and plugged in my cell phone charger and turned the car on Ready mode to see if it'll work but there is no power coming from the outlet at all. I tested the power outlet inside the center console and it's working so I guess 50% working isn't too bad. I'm guessing it's a blown fuse so I looked in the owner's manual and found out the power outlet fuse is inside the instrument panel (doh!) but the weird part is, if the fuse is blown wouldn't that mean the power outlet inside the center console also wouldn't work? I'm going to tear apart the instrument panel as soon as I find the repair manual but until then I was wondering if anyone has gone through this before.
i just replaced mine the other week. it should be located underneath the steering wheel closer to the door. this was in a 2007. just pop off the cover and you should see it. there are two fuses for the power, one for the center console and one for the outside outlet.
Thanks! Just did mines today. Not as difficult getting to the panel as my as I remembered from my last car, although I had to use a bigger size fuse. The cover flexes a little when closed but oh well....:third:
which fuses did you use? the prius uses newer sub mini fuses which are smaller then the regular mini fuse, will either of them fit?
Same question as RigorMortis...which fuses to use? My power outlet went out today; the one in the console is working. I went out to look at the box, see pics. I think I should be able to get to it; I have back problem, I may have to ask my brother to pull the fuse.
I am happy to report that after my second try of checking the power outlet fuses # 23 and #29 on my 2007 Prius I found fuse #23 burned and replaced it. Now the outlet is working. I checked fuses with the car running and used a 12 voltage auto tester. I suggest you not to rely on your sight to check the fuses but on a volt tester.
I replace both fuses and still nothing can I just replace the outlets if that's the problem. Mine is an 05, one both stopped working suddenly