I was driving home this evening from work. It was a fairly busy street. The SUV in front of me stopped to make a left hand turn. I stopped. The car in back of me didn't stop. Their car was stopped by my car via Newton's first law of motion. My car was pushed into the SUV via Newton's third law of motion. The SUV got nary a scratch. The car in back of me got their front end pretty smashed up. I got both the front end and back end totally smashed in. Blah. No photos. It always depressed me when folks showed their wrecked Prii, so I'm not going to do the same.
Bummer! Sorry to hear that, especially from a fellow Magnetic Gray owner. I'm glad the accident was not "serious" and you are OK. Hope your baby gets fixed up soon.
at times like that I always wish for a Hummer H-1. A borrowed Hummer h-1! Im sory for your loss and hope it is not too serious and that it is as normal soon.:angel:
How dare you smash up the front end of that car with the back of yours... Kidding, really sorry to hear. I always dread something happening to my Prius...it would be so hard to replace it's so personalized for me at this point.
I'm sorry to hear! be sure and tell us if your prius is "totaled" or fixable. and if it continues to give you the same performace after the fix. Just curious.
Maybe they didn't like the "midsize" rating on your car and decided to make it a compact?:bolt: I'm sorry to hear this Steve. You think they'll total it?
Well since you are safe and sound, lets hope that all will be covered by insurance. Did the wreck have enough force to deploy the airbags?
Oh Stev0, that really sucks. I hope you are feeling OK in the morning. You haven't had this car that long have you? What a PITA. The only consolation is the fact that so many people come away with only minor injuries, if any at all. Please let us know how you are doing. BTW, maybe you could make one of our meets in the near future. It would be good to see you again.
I assume the car is totaled (but I'll let the insurance guy judge that). If it were just the front OR the back end, it might have been fixable, but with both? Forget it. I'm totally unhurt since the car took the brunt of the damage. The airbags did NOT go off, nor should they have (hit from rear, hit front car at slow speed). Thanks for all your well-wishes; it's more of an annoyance than anything. The worst part is I'm going to have to re-program in all my GPS addresses again. Oh, and pick out a new car, too (I'll probably get another mag. gray). And pick out a name for the new car.
Well, at least he's not an internet troll. That's the lowest form of life. Someone who tries to piss everyone else off for no reason. I hate those people.
I sometimes want to reinact this scene from Jay and Silent Bob Strikes back. if you could do this on a regular basis I'm sure it would cut down on the troll population. [ame="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8982680521051470512&q=jay+and+silent+bob+strikes+back+kick+nice person&ei=iEUPSNSzIYG2lgTylpywBA"]NWS due to language![/ame]
Ug. Sorry to hear, Stev0. And here I was thinking that Northampton was not a bad place to drive. (Well, it's actually not compared to New Haven, where I used to be)
It actually happened in Hadley on Rte. 9 during rush hour (to everyone else in the universe: Hadley Rte. 9 is our long strip mall, regular mall, big box street). I just got word from the body shop that the insurance company guy says the car is fixable. I guess that's a yay, but will it still be the same after that assuming they do a good job patching it up? Should I get a second opinion? Also, with my rental car, I remember why I love my Prius so much: 1. I actually need to get a key out to open the door! 2. I actually need to use said key to start the car! 3. I actually need to physically turn my head while I'm backing up (note: in the Prius I do glance both ways before I back up, but once I've determined it's all clear, it's all camera and mirror, baby!) 4. The CD player only holds one CD 5. No display telling me how my gas mileage is 6. No GPS map 7. No GPS map with my girlfriend's name scrolling by as I drive home And worst of all: 8. No reassuring, friendly beep while I'm backing up!
Awww, Steve, that's a bummer! I hope it all works out for the best... and that your Prius comes home, better than ever, soon! Dang drivers that are NOT paying attention!!!