i have a silly question. I just got a 2008 Prius with package 5. Now, I have a dispute with the dealer. His resolution was to provide a passive alarm for me. My question is What does the anti-theft system in package 5 do vs a passive alarm?
Passive alarm needs the Toyota Theft Deterrent System. Passive alarm just means that the alarm will arm 30 seconds after the doors or hatch is closed. i.e. you can forget to lock the car but the car will still be armed and thus the alarm will go off if someone opens the door/hatch.
Is the passive alarm something I can program myself, or is it a physical add-on? Basically, the dealership over charged me from the negotiated price and gave me poor customer service. I'm trying to find a middle ground of what I should do. Any suggestions on how we can make all this better? What should I ask for for equal compensation?
Passive alarm is a dealer customisable feature. They can enable/disable it. By default, it's off since most people want the alarm to arm after they've locked the doors but passive alarm is good for people who forget to lock their doors.
How much of an over charge are we talking? Something small could be all-weather floor mats, on the larger scale you could ask for an extended warranty.
I have a 2008 Prius and I thought that the auto locking after 30 seconds was part of the way that the Prius security system worked. I didn't know that it was an option.
When you arrived your destination, power off your car then close the door and walk away without locking the door with your remote or the button on the door handle. The door will not auto lock.
Are you talking about when you press the unlock button on the remote or put your hand in the door and do not open the doors in 30 seconds? If so that is a standard feature that is on most if not all toyotas, hondas, and other brands.
I locked my doors and with the driver window open I opened the locked door and nothing. I know that it used to alarm when I used the smart key to drive the car. What is the deal??? I am so confused about this car.
First of all, is there a Package #8 for 2008? I thought they reduced the number of packages. Secondly, did you wait til the theft deterrent light started blinking? (~30 secs). If it's still solid, then the alarm hasn't been armed yet.
sorry for the late reply.. they overcharged me about 200. I was thinking about just asking for a bunch of accessories.
I guess if they overcharged you they won't write you a check? If you can't get cash from them, I would get all weather floor mats, and if you don't have a cargo cover for a cargo net those are some options too. Let us know what you decide on doing.
I have a #2 package. I forgot to change it. The light was blinking. I noticed that when I used the smart key to start the car and my son hit my car with a badminton shuttle cock the alarm went off. Now that I am not using the smart key it does not alarm. How much do they charge if I get the dealership to activate it? I just want a ballpark figure so when I call they won't try to screw me over.
The alarm shouldn't go off if the car is on. The alarm should activate after 30 secs regardless of which method you use (SKS, power door lock switch, manually locking or using the mechanical key).