My wife was driving our 04 when she got rear-ended at a fairly high speed. Here is the result. Player detection in Browser... She got out without a scratch or a bruise, and we are now looking for a new Prius. Am thinking about the Touring Package, but they are hard to come by in my neck of the woods. (northwest Chicago suburbs)
Yikes, glad the wife's ok. On a side note, that last picture has a nice shot of the battery vent I don't remember having seen before. Good luck, be sure to share with us your new Prius choice.
Wow, when I read "rear ended" i didn't expect to see an upside down car. Very nice to hear she was OK. Looking at the damage I would expect at least a minor injury. It's a shame that it was a Salsa Red too. I really like that color and you don't see many.
I didn't expect an upside-down car either! That must have been one heck of a rear-ending. Very glad your wife is OK, more proof that the Prius is a safe car. Poor little Prius, though, I hate seeing wrecked cars, they look so sad.