City's Yellow taxis going green -- Since assuming the city's highest office, Mayor Sheila Dixon is usually driven around town in a bulky Ford Expedition, a bodyguard at the wheel. And yet there she was yesterday in the back of a taxi. A cost-cutting measure? Not quite. The cab was unusual, the first of its kind. It was a green-and-yellow Toyota Prius taxi, an environmentally friendly, fuel-efficient, gas-and-electric compact vehicle that is to be one of many such cabs on Baltimore's streets.
Walt, thanks for starting this thread. I saw the story on WJZ just before I went out the door to go to work this morning. I was planning to post the story when I got home -- just a few minutes ago. Ballamer fights plushin, hon. Whoda thunkit?
New York's Taxi fleet is also changing to all hybrids. In the past year, on several visits to the city, I have seen at least 2 Prius cabs, several Ford Escape Hybrids, and about 2 months ago a Nissan hybrid.