Toyota must show that your actions caused the problem. If you tow a big trailer and destroy the PSD, it will void your warranty. If you tow a trailer and your radio goes out, your warranty is fine. There must be a direct causal relationship, and Toyota must be able to prove it to a reasonable degree. Tom
When I bought my 2007 Prius, that was one of my first questions. I needed a trailer hitch. I have a utility trailer and I sometimes have to haul some building supplies for the house I am remodeling. I was told, by the manager at Toyota that Toyota did not have a hitch, but if was careful and used a little common sense, I should have no problems. My warrenty would not be void unless I did something that cause damage my Prius. I hauled 800 pounds of concrete on the trailer, effortlessly. I purchased a Curt trailer hitch specifically designed for the Prius. Installation was very simple. I installed it in about an hour. Tows up to 2000 pounds, but I, myself, will limit my load on the trailer to 1000 pounds, absoulte limit. Maybe it can do more, but I want to be safe, and I know what 800 pounds felt like, and I liked it, so 200 pounds more, I think will be fine. I paid $ 129.00 for the hitch. Shop around on the web. Several venders carry the Curt hitch. Richie
It would be illegal in Australia. You may not exceed the rated towing capacity of a vehicle. The rated towing capacity is 0kg. Check local laws.
Will it pull it? Yes. That is easy. Not so different than if there are several people of ample flesh inside, or you are climbing a hill, as far as the load on the drivetrain. From what I know that isn't the only issue. It's stability, and ability to stop in an emergency. If it isn't designed for it, I wouldn't do it.