So i've spent some time searching, and searching and reading, can't really find any specific answers... So i've picked up a 2008 with NAV... No XM currently... I'm looking for answers specifically for the 2008 model (I understand the 07 is the same) 1) The factory XM was $600 (canadian) and I noticed you can get it online for less than $300, does this kit come with everything? do I have to cable it out? Or are the cables there just waiting for hte box... Am I better to just have them do it (At 600, I wouldn't i'd just use an external one) 2) The bluetooth integration, does the ultimate lockpick 3 fully restore access to bluetooth when moving, including full Caller ID Display (I have a Blackberry Curve 8330). 3) What's better for full on iPOD integration? The DICE or the VAIS? Any comparison chart? Any compatibility issues linking the DICE/VAIS systems with an ultimate lockpick 3? These systems basically "simulate" a changer and use a strange interface that requires remembering that different CD's change what different options are right? 4) Has anyone (Canadian specifically but i'll take any experiences) ever brought their LockPick 3 equipped vehicle to the dealer for any form of service and had a problem. Obviously if I had an MFD issue i'd remove it before bringing it in -- but I don't want to bring it in for a simple basic service or inspection and have someone whine. Just to mention.... Toyota has stretched these "limitations" too far, there's no way the law is causing it - it's toyota being dicks... I have friends with other vehicles that are not even close to HALF as limited as this thing...
1. Toyota's price includes installation 2. technically, yes. I believe Lockpick 3 is the one but double check by search for "lockpick" in this forum 3. I have the DICE. VAIS is 2x the price. You can't go wrong with either, seriously. 4. I don't have a lockpick but I have the EV mod and they don't suspect a thing.. probably because it looks like part of the car (I have Coastal's version).