It happened to me. I bought my 2002 Prius used about 6 months ago. It came with 1 key. I always knew I should make a duplicate, but it kept getting pushed down on my TODO list. Note to the rest of you, if you have only 1 key left on the Prius classic, PLEASE MAKE A DUPLICATE NOW!!! Even the newer Prius owners need to make duplicates if they're down to 1 key, because it will still cost to the tune of $200-$300 to make a replacement. Anyway, so I lost that 1 key last week. I searched on the internet, and my heart nearly failed at the thought of having to replace the ECU unit for $2k. I called various locksmiths around town, and finally found a guy who would reflash the ECU unit, at a much lower cost of $500. He was able to do it. It took nearly 3 hours for him to finish though. The immobilizer unit needed to be reflashed, and it is hidden under the dash, just next to the steering wheel. It was a pain for him to get it out, took another 30 minutes to reflash it, and 30 minutes for the computer to program the key, and another 30 minutes to put the dash back together. But it worked. So there IS another solution, and though it's at a much lower cost than going to the dealer to get the ECU replaced, it is still a non-trivial cost. I have a feeling that the whole procedure of reflashing the immobilizer unit is actually blackmarket, and not officially supported by Toyota (even their dealers won't do it), but it works. Lesson learned: always have a duplicate key at home somewhere.
Hmmm. Good advice. I was thinking of getting an extra key made. I have two but three would be good insurance. I didn't realize it was soooo expensive if you misplace all of your keys. Anyone know how much and extra key cost for an '08?
Ouch ! $261 for a key. That is $260 more than I paid for my last extra key. Of course it was a mentally challenged key. If I do get a third one I will put it in a safe or deposit box. Thanks for the info.
For the Prius classic, as long as you have the master key, you can buy a transponder key from ebay for around $15-$20, get it cut for a couple of dollars, and program it yourself.
Sounds like a better idea. Any links on how to program the key yourself. I searched for a few minutes but it seems everyone says go to the dealer to program the key Thanks
Yep, here you go: 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Toyota Prius key programming Only STEPS: 1. Begin by sitting in the driver seat with all the doors shut. 2. Insert your working master (black) key in the ignition. 3. Very Quickly, turn the key from "LOCK" to "ON" 5 times. (You will end with the key in the "LOCK" position) 4. Immediately, open and close the driver door 6 times very quickly. (End with the door closed) 5. Immediately, remove your working Master Key and insert your new Master Key 6. Turn the key to the "ON" position and leave it there while you wait for 1 minute. 7. After the minute, if you want to program another key, just remove the first one and insert the next one, turning it to "ON" and leaving it in position for 1 minute. 8. When you are through programming keys, just take the last one out, open and then close the driver door to lock in the programming, and your done Programming Sub Keys (Grey) is done the same way except you turn the master key 4 times before you open and close the door 5 times. Then insert the sub key, turn to the "ON" position, and wait your minute. Finish by removing the key and opening and closing the door 1 time as before. You can erase all the keys and start over by turning a working master key 6 times and then opening and closing the door 7 times. Then remove the key and reprogram again. Remember : You only have a few seconds to perform each maneuver so don't waste time. You will know when you have done it right when you insert the blank key and the security light on the radio stops blinking. If it does not work, try completing the sequence faster, time yourself. And don't worry, if it doesn't work the first time, just do it again **It is our understanding, according to the book, you can have 2 master keys and 1 sub key, however, we are aware of one gentleman who was able to program 4 masters and 2 subs.
LOL is this for real? If it is then... Thanks for your time in detailing this great post. Unfortunately I have a 2008. I am still looking for program steps for 2008 WITH SKS. I have seen post for 2008 without SKS. The above instruction steps are very Japanese like. Reminds of what Larry the Cable Guy says about trying to pass a football on the Playstation. First you push B then A then AB then the green button then press this trigger then push A. Why not just have a pass button? Why not just have a hard to access button to push on the Prius then on the Keyfob? Things that make you go hmmmm?
sks requires programming at the dealership. if you misplace all your keys in the second gen prius you don't have to buy the new ecu.
If you lost all keys on a Gen1 Prius (2001-2003) you are hosed. A dealer in Denver recently quoted a customer $1500 to make the gen1 drive again after losing all keys. The immobilizer ECU needs to be physically removed and replaced with a new one with a matched chip key, or mailed off to a place that can reflash it to a virgin state (around $200-$300), then the immobilzer will accept unregistered keys. You can also buy a USED matched set immobilzer + chip key. I often have them for $150+shipping. Contact me via private conversation if interested. You can also call around local auto locksmiths and ask if they can help, but it probably won't be cheap. 2004 and newer Prius are much easier/cheaper if you lose all keys.