I got mine direct, but that was a few years ago just when the SGII was released. I believe the PC store here carries it. What do you need to know? Just buy it!
PC Store is the Prius Chat Store here. Just click on the Prius Shop icon on top of this page. I love the scanguage. Best thing I ever installed. Tells me everything I need to know to keep my Prius running in top form. Five minute installation (inside the CD rack below the radio).
Please forgive me for asking what I hope aren't two silly questions... Can the scan guage be used on any car? My wife drives a 2000 Honda Accord five speed, as I would like to buy a scan gauge for her. Secondly, are they hard to install? I am not mechanically inclined, as I would probably take it to a mechanic to get installed. Thanks in advance!!
The scanGauge will fit most cars. There is nothing to installing it. On the prius the plug in just at the bottom of the dash, right of the steering column. On my Honda Ridgeline that I had before my prius it was about the same place, so that would be the place to look, around the steering column just under the dash. It just plugs in. Easy
ScanGaugeII - Trip Computers + Digital Gauges + Scan Tool is where i got mine...fast ship too. It will fit on all cars 1996 and newer with some very small exceptions in 1995. The website talks about it.