This promises to be good. - "Car of the Future" NOVA episode on PBS Tuesday 4/22 with Tom & Ray Magliozzi (Click & Clack the tappet brothers, from NPR's "Car Talk"). Some of you may recall that in December '06 the NOVA folks put out notices looking for input for this "open production" program. Well, it looks like it is ready to be aired. Check out the preview at NOVA homepage: Click the play button on the video window on that page to see the preview. There's also more extensive information on the website for the program:
Sorry, thought this post was going to be about Chevy bringing back the Nova for thethird time! (Although I think the name was used overseas far longer then it was here in the states.) 2nd gen. Nova's really were lousy cars!
It was a good show. They used a Prius for the example for how a hybrid works--a nice pretty red one. I think the answer will have to be a combination of many new technologies--the carbon fiber, efficient engines, dual power. That Tesla sure is a cool looking car!