I can't seem to get the child seat my daughter gave me to mount securely. It's an Eddie Bauer model 22-864 MRC. Neither the latch method or using the seatbelt renders a satisfactory solid mount. I've already taken it to the local firehouse and the certified installers couldent get a solid install either. The suggestion was made that perhaps another brand of seat would be better. So, what seats are you using?
Britax Roundabout, no problems, using LATCH and rear tether. I was surprised how much room is in the backseat, my daughter can't kick my seat anymore
We've been through a variety of seats, mostly Graco, all fit fine. Here's to being car-seat free (albeit I'm stuck with a booster seat for a few more years).:cheer2:
If you aren't used to the new seats using the latch mount, they feel wobbly, even when properly restrained. They may be properly restrained in an accident, but the seats don't ratchet into place. Perhaps that's your problem. Tom
NO seat should ever feel "wobbly" period. Be sure that there is less than an inch of give when you shake seat vigorously. Tighten those LATCH straps tight and use a rear tether anchor.
Thanks for all the replys everybody. As it turns out me and my daughter made one more try yesterday to mount this Eddie Bauer seat. We got a secure installation using the anchor points and thether in the middle position. This will work for a while however I'm still going to have to get seats that mount in the outboard positions because the daughter just informed us we're getting another grandchild in Novmber. Also, with this seat in the middle none but the aneroxic can occupy the outboard positions. Huntceet "Work like you don't need the money, love like you never had your belongings set on fire and dance like you're not wearing any pants."
I thought you couldn't install the car seat in the middle because of the arm rest that can come down? We're about to install a Graco Snugride in our Prius in a few weeks.
Using the LATCH system on rear facing seats will automatically make the seat wobbly, as it is only a two-point attachment system. You can't keep it from wobbling up and down when it is only held by two points in the back, unless you find some method of changing the laws of physics. The larger front facing seats use a three-point attachment which allows them to be secured in all directions. Tom