Date Ordered: September 4, 2004 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Beaman Toyota, Nashville, TN Timeframe given for delivery: 15-20 weeks Color: Driftwood Pearl Option Package: BC(#6) V2 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: ?? I put in a refundable $500 deposit, and got a key chain from Toyota on the 16th (they misspelled my name, though). Paying MSRP. The dealer said that at one point the backlog was down to 12 weeks, and they had been hoping to have it down to 9 weeks or so, but 15-20 was the conservative estimate. Hoping that it makes it in before Christmas, so I can drive it to the family reunion ;-)
The dealer called last week (well, on the 29th) with the offer of a tideland, and I said yes. In retrospect, I think I like tideland just as well, though it appears more gray than green to me. I had already turned down a salsa the day after thanks giving, since white, black, and salsa were the three colors I did not want -- but I could have gotten a Prius in under three months had I been willing to give on color. I got 50.3 miles on the ride home, though I got stuck downtown in traffic for the minnesota tennessee game for 45 miutes. manoj
Congratulations! As another Tideland owner, I think you'll come to like the color. And there's nothing like gridlock to really get that MPG rate up there.