hi all, i bought a used prius with the factory alarm deactivated, the dealer wants $ 650.00 dls to activate it, i say its baloney because all the hardware is already installed. if any of you know how to activate the alarm i will greatly appreciated. mino55
Deactivated how? Fuse? Did you try testing the alarm to see if it is really deactivated? Try breaking a window. Lol, just kidding. Seriously, I am not sure how you would test it.
:welcome: Welcome to PriusChat, mino54 or 55 or? To test your alarm, lower the driver's window, get out, lock the car, reach in through open window and pull door handle to open door. Alarm will sound. Have fob ready to unlock and cancel alarm.
I was going to suggest this technique, but before I did I tested the procedure. My alarm did not sound. Hmmm. Maybe mine is deactivated too.
go to a diffrent dealership. I have a 2007 mdoel that didn;t have the alarm activated. I did not know for several months or really care till recently. I took it down and they turned it on for free with the scan tool. They did not even know it had a alarm to be honest, I had to pull the booklet out and show them on the page 46. the job took 10 mins..was in and out.
what if your smart key is not being used? Does the alarm still work? I will find out today. I used the smart key but the battery started to die quickly and suddenly the doors unlocked themselves. Of course it was at night when it was raining. So I stopped using the smart key since it says in the book that if you use it a lot the battery dies in two weeks. I can't see going to the dealership every two weeks to buy a battery.
i tried the alarm on my 2008 and it didn't work. i turned off the smart key, rolled the windows down, locked the door via the remote, and reached inside and manually unlocked the door and opened it. the alarm did not turn on. i then locked it and put the key inside the house and tried it again. no alarm. does the alarm have to be activated by the dealer or should it already be activated?
I just looked at the 2007 service manual, and it says the alarm is OFF by default, but I think as part of the pre-delivery inspection the dealer is supposed to turn it on. I will check mine tomorrow to see if it works. I guess if not it's a trip to the dealer to have it turned on.
Checked my alarm and it worked fine. (opened a window, turned off the car, closed and locked the car, and waited until the red car icon started flashing (30 seconds). Then reached inside to open the door) So if your alarm is not working, complain to the dealer, as they are supposed to turn the system on when they deliver the car.
i went to the dealer today and asked them about it. they said it should be activated, but it wasn't. they hooked it up to the computer and turned it on. glad i found out about this thread.
Just a note to emphasise the need to WAIT until the system is armed. I have a 2008 Prius and was advised by Toyota that this could take up to 90 seconds after locking the car (usefully not mentioned in their manual!). I had reached in and opened too early, nothing happened and I thought the alarm hadn't been installed/activated properly!
the prius alarm only comes activated on package 3 or higher. if you do not have that package then it is not enabled by default. the going msrp for activating the alarm + installing the glass breakage sensor (optional) is 349.00 if you have the package #3 and you want the Glass Breakage Sensor added on after the fact, it should be $165.00 installed. if you have a package 3 and you cannot get the alarm to go off, that is when you go complaining to the dealer oh your in london, maybe it comes with it there
Where on earth did you get that load of baloney? The battery in an SKS fob will last for a couple of years, whether it's used or not. Under rare conditions it is possible to run down the fob battery by storing it near another RF emitting device, which can cause the fob to respond repeatedly, but this has nothing to do with routine use. Perhaps you have confused the issue of running down the the 12V battery in the Prius? If not used for an extended time, the 12V battery will go dead from a number of minor loads. The SKS system is one of these loads, but it can be disabled with the switch under the steering wheel. Tom
worth noting is i just found out that unlocking the prius with the mechanical key will not set off the alarm system with no electronic key . i am a little upset about it. i feel unlocking the door with the key is probably the same as if a thief broke into the car by punching the lock out.
Calm down. If a thief doesn't have the fob they can't start the car and drive it away. If they have the fob, or if they're willing to simply tow the car away, you're screwed anyway. The proper response is to never leave anything of value visible inside a car.
yeah the worst thing about it is it just makes me not want to spend the extra money for a glass breakage sensor now or reccomend that option to friends