Somewhat like using a cancer treatment designed by cigarette companies. No thanks, I’ll stick with products I trust.
I agree with one of the reviewers: haven't needed spyware protection much since moving to Firefox. If I do have to clean out IE, I use SpyBot, or the one offered by ZoneAlarm.
I tried the Beta Windows Spyware program on a Windows 2000 computer that I use for work. It found and removed 4 spyware components. Immediately afterwards I ran Adaware 6.0 on the same computer. It found 44 spyware components that the Microsoft program had failed to identify. So the Microsoft program found fewer than 10% of the culprits. I certainly was not surprised to see that the manufacturer of the world's least secure web browser was also promoting a crappy spyware program. Firefox is defintely the way to go, it's the first thing I install on a new computer, no matter if it has a secure operating system or Windows.
Also for your approval, a highly rated free Anti-virus program . . . It will also scan email and update its virus definitions automatically! I haven’t had a virus, worm, etc. since using Firefox, ZoneAlarm, and Avast Antivirus. All free products. Ratings . . .
Well, the s/w worked okay for me (in the sense that nothing untoward occurred) but didn't pick up anything whatsoever after doing scans with other anti-spyware products (including Ad-Aware and Spybot). Anyway, I hope this turns into something decent as I'd sure would like to have just one spyware removal tool on my computers.
I wouldn’t be so sure. Who know what additional bloatware, hooks, or competitive software killer codes M$$$ added to your already bloated OS. I fail to see the reason for only one. Will you accept only one opinion when your doctor tells you you have a serious malady??? No doctor or software is perfect every time, but there is no way in hell I would accept the opinion of the doctor or software maker that caused my illness! Three words: Conflict of interest.
It's just a matter of convenience and simplicity, that's all. I mean, I use one standalone defragger, one antivirus program and one router with its own firewall s/w (one version). I fail to see the reason for multiple antispyware programs. Why can't one company design one product that will remove all spyware?
That might be due to the fact that the MS program (Giant) does not, nor do other spyware programs such as Spybot, identify tracking cookies.....Ad-Aware does. If I run the CCleaner program (Crap Cleaner) prior to running Ad-Aware, I basically wind up with nothing. If you want to give it a shot, you can d/l it here (totally free):
Unbeknownst to me, my pc-cillin antivirus expired a couple of weeks ago. The next day my PC was trashed with the result being virus, worms, spyware up the gazoo, and popups coming on faster than I could keep up with them. I bought a spyware attacker, Norton Antivirus, and re-downloaded Ad-Aware. These, and some pc-cillin technical help helped some, but not enough. It's been terrible. A few days ago there was an article in the N.Y. times by a writer who suffered virtually the exact same thing. Ultimately, he ended up completely purging his hard drive and reloading everything. Boy, did I feel empathy for that fellow. Now, I've been using PCs since IBM first introduced their original. I've gone through a lot of agony with these things. I used to contend in my workplace that our company didn't allow baseball bats in the offices because if allowed, all the PCs would ultimately be smashed to smithereens. Now don't get me wrong, the PC has been a godsend. But it's amazing the amount of stress they can generate. Well I'm older now and stress is something that I no longer have to tolerate. Currently, my home PC is limping along but not being used for the internet at all. To make a long story short, I went to CompUSA and bought a new iMac G5, the one with the CPU built into the 20" flat panel screen casing. Now some of you might be considering doing the same. Well, here's a caution .. If you've geared yourself to PC related stress, the Mac might very well drive you to distraction because all it does is work without issue. It's downright boring by comparison. I don't know quite what to do with this extra time and mellow attitude. This is turning out to be a tough transition. The damn thing always does exactly what I want it to do, and it does it right, without exception, every time. Never any surprises. And so far, there have been no pup-ups, no sign of spyware, and not even a hint of virus or worm attempt at infestation. Anyhow, just thought I'd share.