Hi Everyone, I'm Brian from just north of Seattle. My wife and I are retired and travel a LOT! We just took delivery on our '08 Spectra Blue package 6 ... I can see there'll be quite a fun learning curve, especially with the GPS and the bluetooth phone link ... I've made a bunch of mistakes here already, and will probably make some more. I feel very welcome. Thank you, all ...
I bet you will soon know the car like the back of your hand. Did you get a Touring or non-Touring? If you got a Touring then you are driving my car, lol well the car that I am waiting for. Hope you find lots of helpful bits on the site, I know that I have.
Thanks to all for the welcome and encouragement! I erred in the color of our car, though - it's Seaside Pearl Blue. The way the brochures show Seaside Pearl it looks WAY lighter than it actually is up close and personal. My wife argued that I was wrong while talking about eh color with our neighbors, and, of course, she was right ... Big surprise! Seaside is more of a grey blue and looks great with the grey leather. Absolutely love the car and continue to be pleasantly surprised by the things I didn't have a clue it'd do. Getting rid of our clip-on-the-visor garage door opener was the latest in what I'm sure'll be a nice list of such items ... We're in love ...