I cant find the serius tuner. I thought it was back by the battery but all I see is a Panasonic Brake module. Does anyone know if the data harness for serius has the same connectors as the XM tuner?
The factory Sirius tuner is under the passenger side rear seat. Once you lift the back seat, there's a triangular metal piece that can be unbolted. The tuner is under that. I don't know if the connectors are the same; I doubt it. The harness runs under the doorsills to the passenger front kick panel.
Unfortunately, there is no standard location for the Sirius tuner. I have read instruction manuals that have the tuner being located: Under the factory radio behind the little pocket. Under the back seat cushion (like the other poster suggested). Over the rear wheel wells (which is where mine is...driver side in my case). Under the plastic trim panels...kind of a pain to get to. Beneath, Between, or Beyond (nod to you Rush fans) the glove boxes. Happy hunting!