I have been researching what to use to protect my new baby (silver pine mica package #2) and I am confused. Is there any research out there that objectively tests the car waxes/sealants on the market? Testimonials do not persuade me (no offense intented) when it comes to buying different products. "I lost 200 lbs eating only grapefruit. You should do the same." I looked through priuschat and many other websites/chat sites and it seems everybody has their preferences. The closes I have found to an objective comparison of products has been Consumers Reports and they do not test products like Zaino, 5 star shine, and many others. Can anyone point me in the right direction. thanks
Did you really loose 200 lbs by eating grapefruit? If so let me know, I need to drop 30 lbs and need something that works. As for the waxes vs. sealants, what did you decide to get? Prior to my Prius I had a BMW and everyone told me to use Zaino. I've also seen a lot of people using Zaino on this forum, so that's what I think I'm going to use
I used Zaino soley because I wanted to try something different, this is my fourth car and I always try something new. If you have the money give Zaino a try, if not try anything new to you. Any protection is better than none.
Really, the brand you use is up to you and whatever works for you the best (cost, time and the finish). Go to Autopia if you wanna get a good understanding between a wax and a sealant.
According to Consumer Reports, cars that are fairly new will not benefit from anything fancier than cheap easy Turtle Wax One Step. I tried it and the car couldn't have looked better. You spray it on while the car is still wet and it dries to a very nice shine almost instantly when you spread it with a cloth. I am also not persuaded by testimonials about expensive brands.
I really didn't like having to shell out 60 bucks for 5 star, but it has held up great for the last year and 1/2.
There was a test done about five years ago comparing various "boutique" waxes and sealants. You used to be able to buy their report for around $15. Most of the products have changed formulation so the results are likely no longer valid. Ok, I found it, it was published by "Guru Reports" Other than trying all the products yourself, what you can do is hang out on the detailing forums for a few weeks, get to know the frequent posters, decide for yourself who is credible, and who has likes and dislikes similar to your own, and then go by their recommendations. FWIW, even Zaino-haters have to admit that their sealants do have good longevity.
That's because you're looking at the wrong testimonials. If you were up at 2am on say a Tuesday night watching a "paid advertisement" you would be persuaded. You have to be. Only the best products are advertised in that time slot.
On the other end of the fanatic scale I waxed mine once, when it was a week old, and four years later it still looks good (modulo the road dings on the hood).
Thanks everyone for their responses. GT guy, I ended up waxing it with Mother's car wax the first time just to protect it for a little while. I am still debating what I should use. I like grapefruits but I have never lost 200 lbs. I am not one to spend a lot of time washing a waxing my cars (just lazy). I just want an easy product that I do not have to redo every month. I am going to try Nufinish the next time I want to spend a little non-driving time with my baby.
I have been using different stuff on my car paints for as long as I have been driving. I first started driving at 14. Im in my 50's now. Waxes are good and Carnauba is better. But even so it will diminish in the sun and heat after a month. I am now using Zaino because I am lazy, and because it works to protech the paint on my cars from bugs. FL bugs are the worst. Luv bugs are the worst of the worst. Zaino protcts the finish from bug juice until I can get it off. Sometimes a day or so. I havent seen the bug season yet with this car, but past cars proved it to me. Oh, and it's shiny as all get out too.
For a one step product. Klasse All in One gets good reviews. Even on Autopia. I used Nufinish for years and liked it. I now use Klasse. It seems to produce a better shine and lasts about the same as NuFinish. I have heard that NuFinish is a bit too abrasive for newer cars.