Anyone use Mobil1 Advanced Feul Economy? I am going to change to Mobil1 for my trip to CA, and just wondering if Advanced Feul Economy is better than regular full synthetic Mobil1. Probably will use a Bosch or Mobil1 oil filter.
Sure it's good stuff but I don't think it has been reformulated. Mobil is looking for way to get more people to buy their product. So instead of focusing on the superior protection, they are marketing the fuel savings aspect of synthetics. They even have an online fuel savings calculator so you can see your personal savings potential. I don't think you can go wrong with 0W-20 or 0W-30. I use 0W-30 now but will be swicthing to Penzoil Platinum 5W-30. According to the fact sheet, it is thinner than Mobil 0W-30 at startup and operating temps. Good luck!
posts on greencarcongress has confirmed (from a person who works with an m1 company) that it is indeed a rebadged product with the exact same formula, just now its a good time to market it with the proper words to get the people's attention. What timing... don't worry they almost got me there too... does anyone know if MOTUL is a division of mobil? if so that's wacked...