Hi all, I've been working on getting a Prius for about a month already and finally today got an estimate on how long it will be before I get my car. The dealer put in the order a couple weeks ago since they couldn't find what I wanted by doing a dealer trade. I'm getting a Spectra blue mica Touring package #5. The saleslady warned me it could take as much as 6 months to get my order filled. But today the word is about 6 weeks. So that's not so bad in order to get what I want. If I didn't care what color or package I got, I could have got one in a couple weeks. I haven't even seen the color in person, but searched for all the pics I could find on the internet, and they all looked good even though they all look slightly different. So, hope I like it when it finally comes! Now just to get through the waiting!! This site has been a great source of info!! Connie
Welcome Connie! It's a bummer it's taking so long to get your exact specs. We bought our spectra blue package #5 just 2 weeks ago from local dealer stock. You will not be disappointed, we are *really* enjoying our Prius and I'm sure you will too!
Thanks for the welcome. And you actually bought yours off the lot? Wow!! Yes, I'm getting excited to receive my car. So many people seem to love them. We did rent one last December when we went to Sedona, AZ. And I liked it a lot. Can't wait to get mine.
Welcome Connie!! Yes the wait is a real bummer.... But at least you can read up on all the graet info on this site while you are waiting. You'll have to post some pics when you get your new baby!
Hi Connie! We, too are waiting on our Spectra Blue Mica Pkg. 5. We ordered it last Saturday. We were told 2 to 3 months for ours. Do you ever see any Spectra blue Prius's in your area? I've never seen one either. But, like you, I liked the pics I found on the net and our Toyota Dealer showed me that color on another model car. I really like it!! That's why I'm willing to wait for mine, too. Well, I guess we'll see who gets theirs first. We live in Illinois, btw. Happy waiting!!
I haven't seen any spectra blue in this area -only Seaside blue. Actually seeing any Prius at all around here is kind of rare. There is only one in Beulah so far that I know of and it's white. A lady that works at my workplace owns it and they bought theirs in Minneapolis. Well, if my dealer's estimate of 6 weeks is right, I should get mine before you!! But I guess I wouldn't count on it. I'll post a pic whenever I get mine.
My saleslady just called yesterday afternoon and said my order finally showed up in their system and should be coming in about 2 weeks!! I was getting really discouraged and thinking it would never come. Especially after reading lately how the demand for Prius's has skyrocketed. I figured I might never get mine. But finally - the light at the end of the tunnel! I've been waiting 2 months already. The next two weeks won't be too bad. But I'll sure be glad when it's time to go pick it up!:target:
Hello to all Prius Owners: Yes, I am a newbie, picked up my Magnetic Gray 2008, package #6 yesterday. Wow...now I know what I have been mising. Still trying to bond with the car and finding out new things everytime I get in it. I will start to read all of the posts and as questions come up I will try to ask the questions. So far so good.
Glad to hear someone else in ND is getting a Prius. Did you order yours locally? My best quote so far has been from Burnsville Toyota in the MPLS city area.
Connie, I just placed my order last night (Barcelona red, package #3) and was told it could take 6 months "plus or minus a few months", so I'm with you on the waiting. Linda
I ordered mine from Cedric Theel in Bismarck. But I ordered it two months ago, and it's finally on the way!!!
Well, Linda, if you're lucky your wait won't end up being that long - I hope not anyway, for your sake. That waiting business is no fun at all!! Connie
Just want to say welcome. How do you like the touring model? That's what mine is going to be - a spectra blue, package #5.