Can someone tell me why my MFD is doing this? Background; trip to San Luis Obispo to watch the Mustangs Baseball team play. A friend and I are on the freeway, the ICE is nice and warm and the temp is 75F and we just filled the tank. I’m letting a friend drive (he wants’ one bad now) and he’s alternating between cruise/non-cruise mode. I look down after explaining the attributes of the Prius to him and ACK! WTH! Is going on?!? Zero mpg for the last ten minutes and crappy mileage before that?!?! Yet the overall mileage indicates 43 mpg. After the game, Mustangs won, we drive through town and got right on the highway back to Fresno and it happens again! Ten minutes gets us through town to the highway, 101 north, and we get 55-90 mpg, my friend is getting pretty good huh? BTW gas in SLO was $3.999/gal for regular, glad I had the Prius? The next fifteen minutes gets us to the bottom of the grade going over Cuesta Pass, its not flat but it’s not that much of a grade change and what do we get? Zero to ten mpg again, temp was 91F! I had this problem many many months ago, still under warranty then BTW , and the dealer said nothing wrong and no error codes. Then it went away until a couple days ago. This is just weird any thoughts? Wildkow
I agree. There's something amiss. I would take the car to the dealer ASAP, explain what you encountered, and have him run another code readout.
I've noticed the same thing every once in a while. In fact, it happened today shortly after I filled up with gas. I did notice that the average MPG was not affected -- just a couple of bars that indicated 0 or very low MPG. Sometimes it will show several regeneration symbols "floating" by themselves in the black area. I did a scan and there were no error codes.
Newbie here, hardly an expert. I've noted in numerous threads that when weird, unexplainable, seemingly random things like this occur, its frequently the 12V battery making a cry for help just before it dies. Well, not really, it's the CPUs getting less than min electricty. You might consider having it looked at/tested. FWIW
The only time I see zero bars like that is when I'm standing still. Obviously you get zero mpg if you are not moving, but that doesn't sound like your situation. Do you have any sort of speed sensor defeat installed to allow running the MFD when moving? If you do, I'd check that, otherwise something is fishy. Tom
It seems that I've heard somewhere here on Priuchat that 0 mpg bars are an indication of standing still or no fuel being burned for that period?
This happens to me in situations where it definately should not be showing zero -- just normal driving.
This may or may not be what is happening here, but I believe that this can occur under normal circumstances. I think its an artifact of the way that the instantaneous mpg is calculated. As I recall, if the ICE doesn't start during a 5 minute period, then it will show 0 mpg even if you have been moving. This can happen even at freeway speeds going down a long down hill. In crawling traffic tends to be another. It sounded like these might have been the two circumstances you encountered, but I'm not sure. Here are a few related threads: Rob
I am 100 % certain that your explanation is correct. You get them when you experience a full 5 minutes of the ICE not running (not using any gasoline). I once was stuck in traffic at a crawl going to a Browns game, the highway was also going down hill and I experienced solid black 5 minute bars in a row.
Your explanation makes sense in the circumstances you are describing. However, I experience this when the car is under normal operating conditions -- with the ICE cycling on and off. It sounds like this is what the original poster experienced. I have had situations where I would expect a 0 reading, such as waiting in a long line without shutting the car off. What I experienced today was not normal. I don't know if it's something that can or needs to be fixed, or just an occasional anamoly.
Ahhhhh, qbee42 thank you, :thumb: I have the Flasher EV mod installed, the Coastaltech Ultimate Lockpic III installed and the Coastaltech iPod video/audio connecter installed. Hmmmmmmm, :doh: I think I'll call Coastaltech tomorrow. BTW these readings happened as we were driving down the highway at 55-70+ mph. The ICE running constantly with no stops, no slowdowns and no noteworthy hills just the good ol' flats in the San Joaquin Valley. I believe I accessed the bluetooth phone device once or twice on the trip over, no gps and nothing else. On the way back did not access anything so I don't think the Coastaltech Ultimate Lockpick III was utilized, although it is still in the circuit. Thanks for the help everyone but don't give up now keep those thoughts and letters coming and I'll notify everyone if the solution or the problem is found. Wildkow Wildkow
The MFD ought to show fuel consumption as gallons per 100 miles (or liters per 100 km); then we would not have these ambiguous situations.
i see this all the time and i say you have little to worry about as long as trip MPG's dont change much. in any situation where you travel a very short distance over time, you will see this kind of stuff. check it out when going thru drive-thrus, traffic jams, waiting to pick someone up etc. there are times i meet my SO for her lunch and we just sit in car and talk without turning off engine, so i will get 3-4 zero bars and even maybe a 100 mile bar... it all means nothing when you know you have not gone anywhere except across a parking lot.
And yet if the car doesn't move, but uses fuel the display would need to display something ambiguous. What do you display if the engine doesn't turn on for 5 min while the car isn't moving, you would have 0 gallons divided by 0 miles. How about if the engine does turn on during the 5 minutes while the car isn't moving, you would have X gallons / 0 miles?
Again, this happens when the car is operating under normal conditions -- not idling or in stop and go traffic, etc. Turns out it is the Lockpick. I drove for five minutes and the bar display was normal. For the next five minutes I went to a screen that engages the Lockpick. The second bar showed 0 mpg and there were several regeneration symbols. For the third five minutes I disengaged the Lockpick and things were back to normal. I guess this is cost of defeating the speed sensor to use the Lockpick functions. Personally I would much rather use the Lockpick functions and put up with an occasional wierd reading on the Consumption screen. I don't think it's really a problem.
In the first case I'd say it would be intuitively appealing to display zero gals per 100 miles for that time interval because no fuel was used. In the second I'd say it would be intuitively appealing to display infinity gals per 100 miles for that time interval because the car did not move.