Hi I'm Fred I live in The Boston area. I've decided to buy a new Prius. I'm thinking of the touring with the Option A which gives you the Smart Key System and Vehicle Stability Control. The price (MSRP) for this configuration was $24605 at the Toyota site. I've sent a request to a local dealer to better this price. I always liked the Idea of the Prius but wasn't ready to consider one untill I sat in one at the auto show, and realized how big this car actually is inside. Well that's my introduction. Hope to be back to bring you my experience with the dealers. PS: Would appreciate any discussion with your experience.
Option A has a lot of overpriced items. If you want to get a low price go with no package at all and purchase the items later for less $$. The mid base hatchback comes with smart key. You get VSC with package 2 and get a cool backup camera with the package. You also get Aux miniplug and Tonneau cover. All for only $575 MSRP vs $1060 for option A. The best suggestion is to get some hood protection before you leave or soon after you leave the dealer's lot. The Prius hood has a large invisible magnet which attracks every rock and piece of garbage on the highway . Seriously get some sort of hood protection soon after delivery. You can check the forums here for hood protection and get some ideas. I didn't and now my 2 1/2 week old Prius has the hood of a 2 year old Prius.
Welcome. I recommend reading through CarBuyingTips.com new car buying guide, avoiding dealer scams, new cars, used car buying and putting VentureShield or 3M plastic on every panel you can. The car is a scratch magnet. While others are taking it on the hood I'm taking it on the sides. Buy whatever option package contains the stuff you will use. IMO most of the stuff can be replaced with better and less expensive aftermarket parts.