Hello all, I recently bought a used ’05 Prius and I love it. I am a engineering student and we have and assignment to find or draw a simple car exterior to load into a CNC machine that will make a foam mold to then thermoform a plastic around it to make a plastic shell of the car. Just wondering if anybody out there has a Solidworks file of a solid model of the Prius exterior? Thanks in advance, James
Hey James, Do you go to the U OF U? I got my masters in Mech engg from there and could have done that using Pro-E for you. Too bad i have moved to the software field since. Good Luck!
<IMG style="; WIDTH: expression(this.width > 800 ? 800: true); max-width: 800px" alt="" src="http://graphics.ocsn.com/schools/utah/graphics/utah-logo.gif" border=0> Hey hey a fellow Ute! Yeah I am an undergrad ME student. The department is in the process of converting from Pro-E to Solidworks. But a Pro-E file will work as well! It just needs to have no undercutting features (i.e. no fin) and needs to be under the max dimensions of 3â€x5â€x2â€. Any help would be greatly appreciated! James
Hi Guys, I would recommend a STEP file. These are more univerally usable these days. I have Alibre at home, and those import quite nicely into it. Would also be interested in the G code result, as I have a small servo CNC milling machine I made (uses EMC2).
I bought a 3DS model of a prius last year from a 3D model site. I dont remember the name of the site or for how much it was. I think it was under $50. I was using it to make a Prius for the game Track Mania Sunrise. I never finished my project. If you do a google search for 3D model prius I'm sure you can find it.
I have 2 tangential relationships to this thread, but little actual help to offer: 1. I grew up in Salt Lake City, and I really miss the mountains now that I live near Boston (and don't you native Easterners come talking to me about the nearby "mountains" because they just don't compare ). 2. I was recently contacted out of the blue by someone who's working on this driving simulator, and they're adding the Prius as a car model you can use. They had seen my page describing the Prius PSD and found it helpful apparently, because they are actually trying to model the behavior of the engine/motors of the Prius into the simulation in order to give you the most realistic simulation of the MFD... LOL! Anyway, they sent me some screenshots of the Prius in the simulator and it looked... like a Prius. Not a super high resolution model, but it had all the right bits and pieces... except for the hubs, which looked like the hubs on the gen1 Prius and I mentioned that. They said they'd change it. I don't want to post a pic of their screenshot, since it's their commercial product and is not released, but maybe when it's done I'll post a link.
actually theres a free racing simulator called Racer by ruud van gaal, theres a toyota prius which i worked on driving physics, yet i didnt complete it, its been almost 2 years since its release, it includes the interior and sounds, part of the reason why it hasnt been developed more is that racer hasnt had a huge update in a while. heres the links if you contact Sam Jigga, he may give you the z3d model of the prius, that includes the interior, you can export this to 3ds, which i believe theres some way to export to solidworks 2005 Toyota Prius - RaceSimCentral Forums this prius has a MFD which doesnt function, i was trying to make it work by integrating it into the throttle position and brake position system.