hi been lurking here awhile and must say some good info here. just got our new pruis today but when i ordered it was with charcoal gray cloth interior. the interior looks light gray to me. i confirmed with manufactrer and they say that there are only gray and bisque options. are there 2 grays? thanks
Hi Spike, Yes that's the way it is. There's only one gray choice. They call it dark gray or charcoal gray, but it's really a medium or light charcoal gray.
Oh and congrats on your new Prius, and welcome to PriusChat. It's the best place to be for things Prius. Good people and a huge database of info on the Prius. If you have any questions about the Prius, you'll likely find that it's already been answered on PriusChat.
HI Boo and others Have a 2008 pruis with bisque interior. When I ordered it I thought it would be a beige color, but to my surprise its more like a gray/beige. I bought floor mats for it in beige, and when I took them out to my car I realized they did not match. I went back in and got the gray, and they almost match exact.Weird what they call there colors.. Gary
Lol, you're the second PriusChatter I've heard recently say that they think that "Bisque" (What's that??? Is that an English word???) has some gray in it and that gray mats matched better than beige or tan colored mats. I don't see it, but others like you do. Reminds me of "off-white" paints, which are commonly separated into two groups: "beige-ish" off-white and "gray-ish" off-white.