Where are all the hockey fans? Playoffs are off to an interesting start. I'm a longtime (16 years) Stars fan myself. Got into the sport just a season or so before they moved to Dallas from Minnesota. Been to games in Anaheim, LA, Phoenix, San Jose, Vancouver and Dallas. It's been a rough last few years with them bowing out in the first round repeatedly, but I'm more than pleased with their playing right now and would be thrilled if they booted the defending Stanley Cup champs. I was in attendance for Game 1 in Anaheim, of maybe 20 Stars fans at the Pond. What a great game! There's something about hockey playoffs when your team us actually playing with the potential you know they possess.
It's Detroit for me, being from Michigan. I'm a fan and a player. I've been a goaltender for most of my life (which may explain some of my bad decisions ). Tom
In the US, NHL hockey is definitely a far 4th behind the other 3 majors (MLB, NFL & NBA). It's great, but practically a cult in the US market. Probably because among the 4 majors, it's the sport least played by the general public and the sport that translates least favorably to TV. Let's Go Devils!!!:cheer2::mad2::mad2::mad2:
That's because you have to put chicken wire on the inside of your TV to protect the glass from flying pucks. :high5: Tom
SparrowHawk! Son of New York. Were you the guy who buried that David Ortiz Red Sox jersey into the new Yankee Stadium?
I love the Stars. I have a jersey. I grew up on the Capitals (born in D.C.) then whilst in South Florida, I followed the Panthers. But now I live in Dallas, and so, I follow the Stars.
No, I can't claim that great move! I am however the guy who drives down the Major Degan while waving at Scankee Stadium with only one finger! I don't care for either of the New York Hockey teams, nor the Toxic State Devils! Truth be know I'm a Flyers fan at heart, but they like the Mets seem to choke when the mere mention of playoffs comes around
I'm a die hard Flyers fan and am excited that we're in the playoffs and I'm confident that we can make it past the 1st round. After last season, just making the playoffs was sweet. If you take out the Flyers, I can wholeheartedly root for Ovechkin and the Capitals. Too bad that one of them, Flyers or Capitals, will be out in a few days. On the other hand, I just can't stand that Cindy Crosby. Makes me wanna puke. Did anyone see the ads that VS runs where "the entire game rests on the KID". YUCK! Everytime I see that ad, I feel like smashing the television set. I can't imagine how they would promote Cindy over Ovechkin, especially when Ovechkin has the most goals/points this year and he almost single-handedly brought the Caps into the playoffs. Okay, I'm done with my rant. Lets go, Flyers:first:
I can't say that I'm much of a hockey fan, but when this came through MSP one day while I was at work, I couldn't resist the chance... Pardon the poor quality though, it was taken with a cell phone camera.
The Stanley Cup! I saw it too when it and the other NHL trophies were on tour 10 years ago. Great stuff. Got to love the history and tradition of it all, even if one isn't a hockey fan.
Nice!! I'll have to have my BFF take a picture of me in my Stars jersey at the game Friday night. I just realized I don't have any recent pictures wearing a jersey. I guess they felt they had to give the Quackers a win, I don't feel that they should've. I was ready for a sweep, but no. They'll get it back tomorrow night and end it in Anaheim, with me in attendance to oversee things.