I just purchased an '08 Prius about 3 weeks ago and just activated my PriusChat membership today. So, hello. The dealer told me there is no way to turn off the oh-so-annoying reverse beep. I imagine there has already been some discussion regarding this but I am unable to find it. Is the dealer telling me the truth? Or is removing this useless beep a simple process?? Thanks.
Power on the car, press the [ODO/TRIP] button until the ODO is shown. This will not work if TRIP1 or TRIP2 are displayed. Power off the car. Power on the car and within 6 seconds, hold the [ODO/TRIP] button for at least 10-20 seconds. I held it for 20... worked for me... While still holding the [ODO/TRIP] button: Use the lever to shift into Reverse. Brief pause. Press the [Park] button. Make sure that b-on shows on the speedometer display. This means that the beep is on. Press [ODO/TRIP] button and b-off should display. This means that the beep is off. Power off the car. (You know you want to) Power on the car. Shift into reverse. Enjoy the silence. Courtesty of TonyPSchaefer, with one minor addition, though there are same instructions on other threads...
Wow, it worked... That's great! Thanks a lot.. Makes me want to drive around backward for a little while.. I will now look forward to when I need to backup, as opposed to dreading it..
I nuked the beeps this weekend... Blissful silence... Of course I did back over myself.. you see I did not have my seatbelt on and......
I am reluctant to disable the reverse beep ... not because I like it but because I am wondering where this beep hack has come from. I am thinking that if it is not a mod that Toyota supports it may be messing with something else in addition to just the reverse beep sound. In my younger years I spent 15 years programming software and I know all to well that any changes in a programs software no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential often cause something unforseen or worse unnoticed to go awry. This is comedically illustrated in the movie Office Space where a programmer introduces a piece of code into a transactional database application that messes with a rounding function. The intended effect was to slowly but surely pilfer a fraction of a cent without raising any red flags. The code was not tested properly and ended up siphoning way too much and way too fast. So I guess I have two questions - was the code adequately tested and was it gleened from some internal Toyota documentation specifically addressing 'offing' the reverse beep ?
SAS0611 - I'm with you.. If the beep was meant to be easily turned off and on, it would have been built in as a feature.. Lord knows there are a ton of features and gadgets on this car. I have a month old new Prius, 2008 pkg 6 and enjoying the ride and fuel savings.. The car is really great and I figure I can put up with the beep as I generally drive forward 99% of the time.. The other 1% can be done with a little backup music.. Enjoy!!!
I had a long sarcastic message typed in but I decided to scrap it in favor of a more serious one: disabling the reverse beep is one of the most well-documented "hacks" in all of Priusdom. I would guess there are thousands of users who have implemented it and I've never seen a single complaint. (Which then begs the question: If an issue is "unnoticed" for the entire lifetime of the car is it a problem? I'd have to say that this particular tree falling does NOT make a sound.) If you want to discuss something that could even potentially have unforseen consequences, the EV mode hack would be a better candidate as this truly was not intended to be present on North American Prii. (Although I've done that one as well and have no complaints, either.)
Yep, the only better hack is the lockpic, which enables you to input GPS addresses on the fly, as well as dial your bluetooth enabled phone off of the MFD. Life is good. And welcome! .
Just for fun, take it to the dealer and tell them your back up beeper isn't working anymore, see if they attempt to repair it!
Hey, Think of the great MPG from driving backward since the ICE doesn't even work in reverse. Maybe you could reach that elusive 99.9 MPG. Well, maybe not since th ICE needs to run to charge th battery. Bob
And it is not really a hack to begin with--it is an alternate setting in the car. That is why the display shows "off" and "on". No different than locking out your windows from going down, just a few extra buttons to push. Chriscard25
You have to understand that lawyers play as much a role in the design of cars as the engineers do... If Toyota made it easy to turn off the 'safety' indicators, some knucklehead in the US would sue them the first time they were in an accident and didn't buckle up. By making it undocumented and somewhat hard to do, turning it off has to be intentional, and the have plausible deniability in a courtroom... Gotta love our litigious society.:ballchain:
You're joking right? People have been doing this since the new model came out and noone's Prius has randomly exploded or shown any other signs of illness.
If it's not documented in the user's guide, I'd call it a hack. Although perhaps "Easter Egg" would have been a better term.
To quibble a little on schematics---hacking implies modifing the current software. Easter Egg is good. And I bet it is documented in a tech or service guide. The beep is simply designed to protect us from ourselves! Chriscard25
It is BECAUSE of this very litigious environment and to protect Americans from themselves, that Toyota has determined it necessary to put the damned thing on the car in the first place. I would NEVER know I was backing up if I weren't going backwards with a stupid beeper on--and it's ONLY audible from the inside. Seriously, people, don't we have anything better to think about? Why, in fact, is the EV switch available everywhere BUT the US? Why is it necessary to have stickers all over the sun visors? Why is it necessary to have a "You're a dumbass, don't read this screen," disclaimer on the MFD? Apparently, it IS necessary...