I came out today, and our whole block was hit last night sometime late. 2 of my tire's had a large cut in the sidewall, and our neighbor's 2007 charger, had all 4 slashed! Im not sure if the whole block was hit..but i saw several car's on flitters. so sad! and im so mad right now, this is ridiculous. Does the warranty cover replacement? If not what is a good tire with low friction. Might aswell replace all four!
Cars being vandalized in Vegas and in Petaluma... this is crazy! Im not sure if your warranty will cover it but your insurance probably will. BTW, what are flitters?
Sorry Matt. Real bummer. Warranty doesn't cover vandalism. I think comprehensive insurance, if you have it, covers it. But it's subject to deductible, which for most people would typically exceed the price of two new Integrities.
If your 2 good tires are still in decent condition/tread depth there's no reason to replace all 4. Just pair the 2 old ones on the front or back. That will save you some $$ since insurance probably won't cover all or most of it. p.s. A few years back our Camry wagon was spray-painted all along one side... across 4 body panels and a window. A few other cars on the street were sprayed too. I saw it early and got out there with mineral spirits and got it all off, but others didn't and the paint set up enough that they couldn't clean it off. Vandalism is especially frustrating because it's so random, and I certainly had a hard time not taking it very personally!
Sorry about the a-holes who vandalized your car. You don't have to replace all four; you can just replace two as long as you put the matching set on the same axle (i.e. put the new ones on the back, keep the old ones on the front or vice versa). I had unrepairable nail damage to one of the OEM Intregitys, so I replaced two tires with Michelin X-Radials (Michelin Destiny from Americas Tire Store) and put the new ones on the back. Now I am going to keep the Intregritys on the front until I wear them out, and then replace them with another set of Michelins, then start regular rotation again.
You need to be sensitive to the type of driving but this is what Consumer Reports says: I bought two more Sumitomo HTR T4s for $45/ea. and shipping from Tire Rack. The local shop charges $12/wheel to change them. Of course I live in Alabama and "ice" is pretty much a foreign concept down here. Michelin has a good reputation in some quarters. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
Bob - what steps do you have to do to successfully put a CR chart like that into a post? In the past I could never figure out how to do it, so I would end up either typing the chart from scratch, or incorporating the chart into a post so it appears as mis-formatted text.
There's two ways. I'll assume you're using windows. If you find a image or in this case graph, right click on it and look at it's properties. IF it shows image properties then you can copy the image URL and do what you want with it. If it's NOT an image then you have to take other steps. I'd venture a guess and say this probably was not an image and he probably just printed his screen to his clipboard and made an image from it. Which leads me to this second way: Hit Alt (and hold it down), then hit the prt scr/sysrq button. This will save the current window to your clipboard. Now go into paintbrush. You can click, start, then run, then type pbrush and hit enter if you can't find the shortcut. Once you're in there it ctrl (and hold it down) then the letter v . This will paste the whole snapshot of the web window. Now click on the icon at the top left that looks like a box with the dashes. That's the select icon. With that you can now drag a box around the image you want to "scrape" off the screen. Once you have it selected hit ctrl (and hold it down) and the letter c to copy the image. Now hit File at the top left and choose new. It will ask you to save your current document, just choose No to this questin. Once the blank page comes up hit ctrl (and hold it down) and the letter v to paste your selected image. At this point you should have just the image you selected. Save this file, then upload it as you would upload any photo. Mike
Thanks Mike! After I finish my taxes, I'm going to experiment by editing my previous posts with CR charts.
Uh, no. Given that this is a chart with text and a limited number of colors, you should not use DCT-based compression. It would look much better as a PNG, even though it is only 1/5th the size of the JPEG. BTW, I have about 20k miles on my TripleTreds and I'd estimate my mpg hit at about 3mpg.
well from looking at funds this month, I think a new set of tires is out of the question. It's good to know i can just move the new 2 tires to the rear or vice versa. I have appointment set for wed at the dealer for 2 Intergrity's@ 59.99 a tire, not bad! I will keep this list for future refrence when it comes time to upgrade tires. thanks all