I have not read a thread where this has been discussed. We have read the pros and cons of the beeping. But, is there a happy middle ground? Is there any way to reduce the volume of the beeping? I think that would please just about everyone. Thanks.
Nope, me neither. I doubt there is "middle ground" for the noise as the selections are "beep-on" "beep-off".
Find where is the noise emitting device and stuff some toilet paper where the noise comes out, that will muffle it. That's what my dad used to do to all our noisy toys when we were young, he'd disassemble it and stuff toilet paper inside it! :lalala: That was the only way he could take the racket!!
A better design would have been, have it beep a few times as you shift into reverse, and then stop beeping. Then, if you remain in reverse, and you are stopped for more than say, 30 seconds, beep a few times again, just to remind you. If we could choose between this, constant beeping, and no beeping, most people would be quite happy!
A middle ground would be to turn the Reverse Beep off and to install a reverse beeper that would be heard from the outside. Mounted in the back it would be quieter to you and help those outside know what you're planning to do.