Anyone know German? I was reading this blog (Strategies for Smart Car Buyers - smart fortwo - A Safe Purchase?) and am curious for a translation of the 2nd video at . The video absolutely illustrates the laws of physics (kinetic energy=1/2mv^2). I think the video is a repost but I couldn't find it. I'm guessing that S-Class is at least 4000 lbs (08 S550 is 4465 lbs per and the Smart is ~1800 lbs.
Looks like it's time to ban S class Mercedes and any car that is that heavy and only carries 5 people. Looks like these cars are an unnecessary danger to other road users and driving such vehicles is selfish and irresponsible!!
Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but that isn't likely. The vehicles that ought to be banned are the monstrosity class SUVs w/curb weights of >5000 lbs. (>2267 kg) like Tahoes, Suburbans, Expeditions, Yukons, Sequoias, H2s, Excursions, Escalades and so on. They're usually driven solo or w/minimal passengers/cargo and frequently have drivers holding cell phones to their ear. I still see insane #s of them on the road in the US while our gas prices have hit all time highs.
No I am not being sarcastic I am being dead serious. These big heavy cars give the occupants a feeling of indestructibility while placing other road users in danger. I agree, luxury trucks should be banned too, only people who need a truck for work should own them. There needs to be a bit of risk analysis done, to be worth the risk of having any huge heavy car on the road needs to be a benefit to the community like a plumber can do his work or freight gets where it needs to go. Why would anyone need a H1? You can fit more in a Camry wagon. Getting 3 kids to school or soccer in a Ford/GM Behemoth isn't of any benefit over a Camry or Subaru all wheel drive if there is Snow on the ground. If a person needs a truck to tow a boat or caravan they should need a log book recording each journey and a short explanation as to why a smaller vehicle wouldn't do the job. People should account for why they put other people at risk. It should also be legal if it is legal to carry a gun, to shoot dead anyone using a hand held phone while driving.
No, I'm pretty sure its not legal to shoot them. I have contemplated running them off the road using my SUV, but I'm almost positive that is not legal either.
If safety is an issue, why dont we allow on the safe drivers the right to drive these vehicles, as well as govern the speed to 80 mph. So if a driver has driven for 10+ years and has no record of tickets or accidents, then he/she can get a license for a large class of vehicles.
The absolute worse is seeing teenagers diving these monstrosities. I remember this one girl at my high school that had rich parents, she drove a Suburban to school, crashed it twice, totaled it the second time, and what do her parents do? Buy her a new Suburban! At least with the rising gas prices that is less likely to happen but still plausible. I believe that when you first get your license you should be limited to a certain size, maybe a Camry sized car should be the largest you can drive unless needed for work, and all drivers under 21 years old should have a speed and acceleration limiting device in their car. Hopefully in the future all cars will have something similar to SKS tied in to individual drivers and the car will know that a teenager is driving it, so speed and acceleration will be limited.