Just wondering. I didnt see a thread that mentioned this exactly. I can get a full bra for my 08 and it is not expensive ($130ish) but would hate it if paint damage was the result. The web site didnt say if you can leave these on all the time or if it would need to be taken off and dried out after a rain, heat, etc to protect the paint. I had one in the 80's on a Celica in the 80's and it hurt the paint after a while. Just wondering if they are better now or the same beast. Just hoping for experiences here I guess. Thanks.
Galaxee took the bra off her car and showed the surface. I believe they all create some damage and uneven fading.
It's sad to say that dust and dirt can get under the bra. That being said,as you drive down the road, the bra moves back and forth. You now have a sandpaper action that can scratch your hood.
I've had mine since December. I wash the car usually every weekend and take the hood bra off. I haven't noticed any damage so far. I haven't taken the bumber bra off yet so there's no telling what's collected in there. The bra is very plush on the inside so the only way to get damage is from buildup on of debris. Like I said I take mine off every week when I wash the car.
Ok washed the car today and took the upper and lower bra off. Upper, hood, bra has no scratches or any evidence of being on the car. Lower, bumper, bra created scratches on the top corners of the bumper. There are 2 tabs, one on either side, where the bra goes around the corner. These are stiff and feel like metal inside. Flapping in the beeze is what I suspect. I'm taking them off, the tabs, and see if it persists.
We tried the Colgan bra. No issues with the hood portion. The bumper portion showed rubbing on the top right and left corners and on the front of the bumper and on the left and right sides. We did not see any evidence of dirt/grit. Does the factory bra also mark up the bumper? We purchased the Colgan bra since it was only $65 shipped. We now are braless since the clear bra is 700-750 in SOCAL.
I just cannot afford clear bras on two cars right now. tax season killed us. They say the oem toyota bras will not fit the 08's at all. My only other option is the hood deflector I guess but that doesnt seem all that great for bugs.:juggle: