I just ordered our second prius , in magnetic gray , was never told about the upholstery color and its hard to get in touch with my busy dealer. I 'm hoping the interior in my car is the dark gray.Does anyone know if that is standard with magnetic gray or could i get stuck with the easily staining bisque color? thankyou ( oh, and this my first post )
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio Marcie - on the Toyota website "Build Your Prius" section the website only shows the tan color interior with the Magnetic Gray. Check it out at: Build Your Toyota -- Step Hope this helps.
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio hmm,i looked there too and was not able to tell , I guess they come with both then ( cross your fingers for me for the gray )
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio The Mag Gray only comes with the dark gray interior.
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio BTW, I test drove a used 2008 , gray on gray, so I know they exist . It had 6000 miles on it , they sale price was 21, 500 ( also a base model) , and I got my brand new base model for 21,750 from the same dealer. I guess they did not want to sell it. we have a seaside pearl 2008 we got earlier in the year, we are getting the same deal.
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio My magnetic gray prius has dark gray interior...I am happy to tell you I have the toyota prius brochure on the last page it has color combinations it says Magnetic Gray with Dark gray interior..some colors it says both and some list only bisque... So your interior should be dark gray unless someone knows something I dont...You will love your car by the way..
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio Thanks Jiipa , just what i want to hear
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio Thank you sandman
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio They guy I know who's going to pick his Mag Grey up tomorrow says they offered it up in either ... maybe it varies from one area to another? .
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio is his base or package ?
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio No, he's getting package 6.
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio Thank you for your helplful replies !!:hippie:
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio Hi Marcie, My 2007 magnetic gray only came with the dark gray interior. When I plug in my NY zip code (and a few others) to "build my own" 2008 magnetic gray on the Prius website, the website says that it can only be had with the dark gray interior. I have never seen nor heard of a magnetic gray with a bisque interior. Nor do I ever want to see one --- talk about a mismatch!!! Anyways, hope your ship doesn't come in with a magnetic gray/bisque Prius. Good luck. EDIT PS: I think the only way the bisque interior would look decent on a magnetic gray, is if the seats were leather.
Re: does anyone know if the base model in magnetic gray comes with both bisque and dark gray interio Thanks Tom for the info and I totally agree about the off combination. Marcie